They are in prime office and Optimus is calming ratchet down. Ironhide turn and said," what do u mean " your welcome?" Jazz smile and said, " I saw what she did to you so I waited until you left and then I shoot her for you." Ironhide smile and give jazz a high five. Jazz said," why did you tell her she can be her bro?" Optimus said," I did not she just walk though." Ironhide nod and said," I'm sorry baby for that, how about we go get the check up now for our baby?" Ratchet look at him and reach a hand out. Ironhide smile and took it and kiss it and said," let's go babe." Ratchet smile and walk out of the door. Ironhide follow and said," how about after this we can get some of your favorite ice cream and then we can put in a movie to watch." Ratchet smile and said," yes, can we get all the favors of ice cream?" Ironhide said," of course we can and how about we make a ice cream sundae too. Ratchet smile and said," I wound like that." So they walk to the medbay and saw first aid waiting for them with a smile.
The chapter for the week!!!!!!!!
Ratchet said," can't wait for next week because me and Optimus are getting our two twins."
Optimus said," me either."
Ironhide look at me and said, " did we have to wait this long to have a baby?" * start to walk to me*
Me said," well..................... Have to go bye.* ran away*
Optimus and ratchet and ironhide said," see you next week and vote and comment not bad ones thx.
* Optimus and ratchet and ironhide are running after me*