til death do us part.

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A loud noise came from the living room, and Kyungsoo, who began to tremble with fear, peered from the kitchen where he was cooking to see who it was.  A small sigh of relief left his lips as he saw it was Jongin, the new love of his life.  But something didn’t seem right—not right at all.

                “J-Jongin?” Kyungsoo called out, wiping his hands on his apron, “What’s wrong?”

                “Are you really asking me that, Kyungsoo?” Jongin snapped at him and Kyungsoo took a step back, offended.  Jongin’s eyes were narrowed and flared with anger. “There is always something wrong, every second of every day.  We’re lucky to still be alive.”

                Kyungsoo frowned and took a few strides towards him, wrapping his arms around Jongin’s slender and hard waist.  He rested his forehead against his broad chest before whispering, “But everything is at least a little better now, right?  I’m here, and we’re in the comfort of our home.  No one is out to get us, and we’re both still alive and happy.”

                Jongin instantly calmed down and smiled, wrapping his arms around Kyungsoo’s small body and resting his chin on top of his head.  He breathed in Kyungsoo’s alluring scent and his animal instincts took over, making him forget about what happened before.  His heartbeat began to pick up again, but this time it’s not from his life almost disappearing in a blink of an eye.

                “Kyungsoo.” Jongin whispered and he lifted his chin up, meeting Jongin’s narrowed gaze.  Kyungsoo tilted his head to the side quizzically as Jongin didn’t say anything immediately.

                Jongin watched Kyungsoo’s plump lips move as he talked, “What’s wrong?”

                “I just want you for tonight.” Jongin leaned down and pressed his lips softly against Kyungsoo’s, causing his heart to skip a few beats. “I want you until the sun rises.”

                “You’ll always have me, every sun rise and sun set.” Kyungsoo murmured in between their kiss.  “And that’s a promise.”

                “Can I have you all to myself right now?”

                A chuckle escaped Kyungsoo’s mouth. “Sorry, babe.  I’m cooking dinner right now, and I’m sure you’re hungry right?”

                As if on cue, Jongin’s stomach growled and his face reddened with embarrassment.  As Kyungsoo laughed and pulled away reluctantly, Jongin leaned down and kissed him once again before watching him walk back into the kitchen, biting his lip.

                As Kyungsoo continued preparing dinner, Jongin made sure to lock all the doors, windows, and close all the curtains and double-check to see if their alarms are on and working.  Satisfied that everything is still locked, secure, and untouched, he walked down the hall way and turned right into a room where all of his best friends rest in their designated areas.  Removing the equipment attached to him, he placed them in their designated spot before removing his jacket and hanging it on the nearby coat hanger.  Exhaling deeply, he left the room and went into his and Kyungsoo’s, where he changed into a pair of sweats and a white tank top.

                “Jongin, dinner’s done!”

                His stomach growled angrily once again and Jongin hurriedly walked towards the dining room, where Kyungsoo was already sitting, hands clasped and on his lip, while his big charming eyes caught Jongin’s almond-shaped hungry eyes.  Jongin smiled as he recognized the familiar dish and he took a seat, saying his thanks and they both dug in.

'til Death Do Us Part (EXO - KaiSoo - fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now