Chapter one (the beginning)

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Dylan's POV

I was listening to her go on a rant about how her bf keeps treating her I zoned out and started thinking about how I would treat her so much better than her bf does, I guess I zoned out to much cause the next thing I knew she clapped her hands in front of my face to get my attention and snap me out of day dreaming, she looked hurt and than I realized she probably thought I didn't care about what she was ranting about, she sat down next to me and sighed she said "why do guys always have to do that?" And I said "I'm sorry Sarah I don't really have an answer for that" she then looked at me with a hurt expression and said "am I that boring That they zone out on me..?" And In that Instant i felt a frown coming to my face realizing what she was talking about I looked back at her and said "no that's not the reason at all" she smiled and than she got up and she started putting her makeup on, and I frowned, I hate it when she puts on makeup she's so beautiful without it but everytime I try to tell her she disagrees with me so I just shut up and watch her do this, all just to keep her happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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