God and My Girlfriends

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"Right because I'm totally gonna remember what he said verbatim," Reba mumbled as she shifted in the hospital bed, staring at Chassidy who was sitting in the large red chair she'd moved earlier to the side of the bed. The light from the window behind Reba poured in, giving her red hair almost a fluorescent glow.

"You know you remember and you know you're gonna spill." Chassidy slightly teased as she adjusted the black leather jacket she was wearing. The sun may have come out for the afternoon but it was still a bit chilly inside the hospital. Everyone had taken turns on going home and freshening up, once Reba had awakened. Since Chassidy was currently alone with Reba she had decided that she would take this time to ask her about how Narvel had found out about the baby.

"I've been waiting on this dynamite for weeks." She added, resting her hand on the bed where Reba's leg was securely tucked in beneath the white hospital blanket.

"Where're my sparks?" She questioned one last time, still in a teasing manner.

"This isn't a game Chassidy," Reba replied back, trying not to sound too stern.

"Then quit making it one," Chassidy responded back, her tone growing a bit defensive. It seemed as if suddenly Reba was taking her teasing tone personally.

"Hope I'm not interrupting ladies." Dr. Saura said as he knocked on the hospital door before entering. Looking away with a small sigh, Chassidy gave the doctor a warm smile, rising to her feet.

"Not at all."

"Pleasure to meet you again; I'm the daughter, Chassidy." She continued warmly, extending her hand for a shake.

"Ezra and the pleasures all mine." He said accepting her hand before moving to the end of Reba's bed.

"I didn't get the chance to formally introduce myself, Ms. McEntire I'll be your doctor until this little girl makes an appearance." He greeted warmly as Reba quickly adjusted herself in the bed.

"We can discharge you tomorrow but for the next four weeks we ask that you remain on bed rest." He continued softly, looking from Reba and Chassidy.

"Her, on bedrest?" Chassidy snickered softly to herself.

"It'll be forced but it can happen." She continued with a soft chuckle.

"Ouch." She said in shock as Reba pinched the back of her leg, signifying that she wanted her to stop talking. Turning a bit red Reba sent Chassidy a side glance before clearing her throat.

"Please excuse my "helpful" daughter." She said softly to the doctor, who just tried to hide his own smile. Was she blushing?

"I'll be happy to do anything that you ask of me." She said in reference to taking the necessary precautions to delivering a healthy and full term baby.

"Good to know." The doctor said with a cheeky chuckle before smiling back at them once again.

"Here's a list of your prescriptions, be sure to take one in the morning when you wake up and one in the evening just before you go to sleep." He instructed as he handed the card to Chassidy with all of the listed information.

"Oh and don't forget to eat before you take them, even if you can't keep anything down it's important to at least attempt to get something in your stomach before taking the medication." He remembered quickly.

"I'll leave you two alone and will be back at nine tomorrow for your discharge."

"Glad to see that you're feeling a lot better today."

"It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. McEntire." He said as he shook her hand in a goodbye, nodding to Chassidy before quietly exiting the hospital room.

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