would you be my bride?

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Jean's P. O. V

I've been so nervous , I was wondering... would even accept? Would he decline? I just won't know.. while I was in my thoughts Marco came up from behind me and said "hey Jean!" I heard him say as he touched my shoulder scaring me a bit "o-oh hey Marco , what's up?" I said nervously "judging by how you look not so well I see? So what's the catch?" He said. I looked at him and said "well today is the day I tell him , but I'm not sure.. would he accept me or decline me? I'm just not sure.." I said sadly while thinking of his precious smile. "Im sure he'll accept you! He would've broken up with you if he didn't love you." He said brightly while looking at me smiling. "I just don't know , we've been dating for 10 months , I'm feel like I'm rushing it.." I said nervously again I just don't know.. "speaking of the devil there he is right now!" He said while I shot up and looked at eren and I said "hiereniwantedtosaythatyoulookbeautifulandiwantedtomarryyouerenbecauseiloveyousomuch"
I said that while I shot up the wedding ring box at eren. I looked up and realised what I've done I. Have. Just. Asked. Eren. To. Be. My. Bride.  so I've closed the box hoping the ring wouldn't fall and I ran away embarrassed and blushing from ear to ear , not even looking back.!

Arg!! I'm such an idiot!!

[Beep boop thanks for reading sorry for not updating , I just forgot that I had a wattpad account lol]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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