Chapter 18: Hello Doll

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Ariana's POV

"Guess who?" A man's voice chanted as he covered my eyes with his large hands. I don't need to see his face to know who he is.

Smiling like a kid, I removed his hands and turned my head to see him. "Cliff, you're back!" I stood up and hugged him very tight.

"Hi honey...this is for you." He brings out the thing he is hiding behind his back and showed me that it was a bouquet of pink  flowers. Perfectly arranged.

This is my boyfriend, Cliff and we are dating for a year now, and he's a surgeon.  He's 39 years old and we are 16 years apart. Well that doesn't matter anyway, my parents liked him so there's no problem involved there.

"I thought you'll be gone until next week?" I took the roses from him and put them on top of my desk.

Cliff smirked, wrapping both of his arms around me and leaned down until our foreheads touched. "Well, I miss my girl. Is that enough to please you."

Chuckling, I placed my hands on his shoulder. "Really? Where is she?" I joked and we both laughed.

He was called in India three weeks ago because he was the one assigned in a very serious case over there. Having a surgeon as a boyfriend is surely hard. His schedules are unpredictable all the time.

"Are you busy?" Cliff questioned, letting me go and sat down on my office chair.

"Honestly, I am. I have 20 boxes of wedding cupcakes to make and I can't help my crew because you're here." I playfully punched his arm and crossed my arms. "Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?"

Cliff clicked his tongue, remembering that he has a surgery in an hour. "Darn it. I have to go. I'll see you...tonight? Are you free tonight? Let's have dinner."

I smiled and nod my head. "Sure."

He smiled back and placed a quick kiss on my lips "See you tonight, honey. Don't miss me too much. "

"Don't worry, I won't." I joked. He finally left my office.

I sigh and sat down on my office chair and closed my eyes.

Two years had gone in a swift. Like it was just an air that passed by. I've been ignoring Stephan since the day I left that island. Actually, ignoring is not the right time. I'm more like hiding from Stephan. I'm sure he will be angry once our path crossed again.

I bet he is really mad.

I want to forgot that guy but how? I don't want to hear anything from him but he is always in the news.

Going out with different woman every night. Stephan doesn't care if she's a celebrity or not, he will break their heart into pieces in the end. From how I know him, he got even worse now. He's not like this before, he became more wild and angry at the world.

I sigh and tried to rest my mind. I'm trying to forget him but I keep on recalling all we have been through.

"Damn it. It's been two years! Why can't I moved on?" I groaned, looking stupid talking to myself in this quiet office. I started screaming and slapping myself over and over.

Every time Cliff and I kiss, hug, touch...Stephan always comes into my mind like he's haunting me all the time. I can't help but compare their capabilities and similarities as well. Their both different persons and I'm sure that Cliff and my relationship is far different from what Stephan and I had.

I love Cliff....

That's the end.

What I felt for Stephan is admiration for making me strong. I just owe him that and that's the difference they had.

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