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{Harrys P.O.V}

That photo cannot be published. It will ruin Beccas life, I can’t do that to her. As soon as we arrive home, I phone Uncle Si and explain everything to him. I am so relieved when he finally says “Harry, calm down, it’s okay, all we need to do, is tell them about Becca first.” I'm so confused now, did he just say ‘tell them about Becca…first?’ We’re both silent for a while, before I finally say “What do you mean, tell them about Becca first? Isn’t that what we’re trying to stop happening?” I hear Simon laugh down the phone. “You’re so young and naïve Harry, if we tell the public about you first, they won’t feel like you’re trying to hide it for them. They won’t target Becca as much then” I still don’t understand, but I decide to just go along with it. “Oh, okay then…how should we go about this?”

 Three days later

{Beccas P.O.V}

Me and the boys are on the way to the BBC Television studio for our big interview. My heart is pounding so hard I feel like it might beat right out of my chest. Harry senses my nervousness; he always does, and takes my hand. I squeeze it tight, calming myself down.  I look around the car and notice that all the boys look nervous too, all except Louis, who is grinning away to himself. “What are you so excited about Lou?” I ask, he smiles and taps his nose, as if to say ‘it’s a secret’ I hate secrets though. “C’mon Boo Bear? Tell me?” He shrugs and winks at me before Harry and the rest of the boys join in, questioning him as to what he is smiling about. “Finee,” He sighs “I guess I'm just excited for the world to know about the new addition to our family! Becca can come to all the parties and concerts with us now without having to hide!” I hadn’t thought about that actually. I guess I'm a little excited now. I squeeze Harrys hand again and give him a hug. He laughs, his amazing, beautiful, cute laugh, and hugs me back, even tighter. I giggle a bit, and then we arrive at the studio.

{Harrys P.O.V}

We arrive at the studio and I take Beccas hand. I'm so nervous, but I can’t let her know, I can’t make her any more worried than she already is. We all walk briskly into the studio, through the lobby, and up the stairs. There are so many stairs. An excruciating amount of stairs. Making me more nervous with every step I take. I feel my palms become moist, and I start to shake a little. “It’ll be okay” Becca says, why is she comforting me? I should be the one comforting her. “Of course it is!” I reply “Don’t you worry” She laughs a little before putting her hand around my waist and turning me around to face her. “Yes, I know Harry, would you mind not shaking my entire body then?” whoops, I didn’t mean to show how worried I am. “Sorry babe” she laughs again, her soft, tinkling laugh.

{Louis’ P.O.V}

I watch Becca and Harry take their place next to each other on the long, soft sofa. They look like they’re itching to just hold each other, but we all decided it would be best if they wait until later to break the news to the world. We all sit silently in wait, waiting for the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The finger points to us and we’re on.

 “Hello and welcome back. Now is the time you have all been waiting for! We have One Direction, and a special, surprise guest with us today” Sian says, looking over to us. The camera flashes over and we all wave, I try to be as over dramatic as possible, which gets a few laughs from the camera men. YUSS! They think I'm funny…well everybody watching better get their cheeks warmed up…I think they’ll be doing a lot of laughing today, I’ve got the jokes all planned.

{Beccas P.O.V}

The first question is aimed at me, “So, can you please tell the viewers who you are exactly?” Sian asks. I smile at the camera, “Of course, hi guys, my names Becca. I became best friends with these boys next to me after one of their concerts” I start, the boys all wave and Louis, always the clown yells “HELL YEAH!” I giggle before continuing “These are the most amazing boys I have ever met. Not long ago, I was a delirious fan like all of you watching, but now I have met the boys, I know the real them. I'm 17 and I'm from Glasgow, so yeah, I think that’s about me?” The boys all look at me before Louis decides to crack another joke “Nope, that’s not you! You left out the part about you having our posters up all over your room and kissing it every night before you went to bed!? CARROTS!” what is that boy on? “Yes, of course Louis and you would know that how?” I roll my eyes at the camera and the crew all laugh. “I would know that because I am the monster under your bed” Louis replies, sounding perfectly serious. I fake scream, before Sian decides we’ve had enough fun and laughs before saying, “So boys, how have you been getting on with your tour?” We go through all the usual questions before the break comes and I know that we are announcing in three minutes. I start to get really worried, the butterflies face through my stomach and I start to feel sick. Harry moves closer to me and puts his hand around my waist, hugging me tight. He calms me instantly. He’s apple to my eye, the love to my heart, the one I want to be with the rest of my life.

Suddenly, the room goes silent, and once again, the countdown begins. Harry quickly moves his arm and sits slightly away from me.

 “So, I hear there’s some big news you want to tell us?” Sian probes. This is it. This is the moment. I look over at the other boys. Louis sticks his tongue out. So Louis. I then glance over to Niall who winks at me. Somehow, it helps calm my nerves, just a little. Liam and Zayn just give me a warm smile, it warms my heart and slows down my heart rate. I take a deep breath and answer Sian “Yes, we do, erm, Harry, do you want to tell them?” Harry nods and answers me by pulling my close and kissing me. Its soft, and over quick, but it means a lot to me. He just kissed me on national television! He pulls away, puts his arm around me and says “Me and Becca are a couple” He smiles his huge dazzling smile, his dimples showing, I can’t help it, I smile too, matching his, my dimples showing. I glance around me to see the boys all smiling too. “All the lines are blowing up,” Sian informs us, “Let’s have some questions. The first one is from Lucy,” we all nod, “How did you two meet?” me and Harry look at each other and nod to him, signalling for him to answer. “Well,” he starts, “We all couldn’t help but be amazed by Becca and her friends banner at the concert, but I also couldn’t help but be amazed by the girl with the mask. I needed to meet her, and when I realised she was sitting behind Niallers friends, I got them to ask her to meet me, and she did! So that’s, kind of it really”

{Harrys P.O.V}

I smile as I finish off me and Beccas meeting, I don’t add anything else. I don’t want to give them a reason for a fight, so I don’t continue on to the incident with the tour bus or anything. “That’s really Sweet!” coo’s Sian, “We’ve got one more question before you go, this one’s for Becca,” she starts, I look at her and she nods.

{Beccas P.O.V}

“Do you really love Harry? Or do you just want to go out with some famous guy? That ones from Leonie” I start to get nervous, how do I answer this without sounding really soppy, “That’s Harshhh!” I hear Louis behind me. I smile, “I know that a lot of people are going to think I’m just going out with him for that reason,” I start, “But I just want you to know that is not the reason I like him. I love Harry, for so many reasons. From the way he plays with his curls when he’s sad, to the way he loves surprises and how he just can’t contain his excitement” I smile, and I feel Harry squeeze my hand tight. Sian and the rest of the crew all “aww” in the background and I become very self-conscious. I feel my cheeks go red and hear Louis yell “aww, Beccas getting all embarrassed!” before hearing the chorus of laughter in the studio. I am going to KILL him for this when we get home.

{Harrys P.O.V}

We all sit in the car and I look at Becca. “Well done in there,” I say, “You stayed so strong” She smiles, “Thanks!” then she looks at Louis, giving him a death glare “Never. Embarrass me like that again Louis!” we all know what she is talking about, but Louis decides to go down the denial route “But, you we’re already red, I was just pointing it-“ Before he can finish, Becca zips his lips and pretends to throw away the key. Louis sits down and acts all posh? Don’t ask. Then I look back at Becca  “I just want to remind you that you’re going to have to deal with a lot more than that though, you know that right?” she nods.

 “BUUUT! Because we don’t have to deal with it right now, we’ve got a little surprise for you!” Louis continues. She looks worried. “It’s nothing bad!” he adds. She now looks excited. “OOOOH! What is it?” she squeals. “That would be telling” Niall says knowingly, winking at her. She humphs down on the seat and pretends to be in a mood. When we finally arrive back at the hotel, I take Beccas hands, and we all walk up to the hotel room door. “Shut your eyes!” Zayn shouts. Becca does as she is told and shuts them, but just to be sure, I put my hands over her eyes.

 {Beccas P.O.V}

I hear the door open and then feel myself being led inside. Finally, the hands are removed from my eyes.

sorry this is quite boring! I didnt have much time to write it, but i wanted to upload it leaves you on quite a good cliffhanger don't you think? ;) love - B xxx

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