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I opened my eyes to see......nothing. Everywhere was just pitch black. When I tried to look further into the distance, the surroundings just became dark, darker, yet darker.

"Mabel, where are we?" I asked as I turned around to face my sister, who was gripping onto the Dimensional Traveller.

"I don't know, but this weirdo place has an uncanny resemblance to the bottomless pit," Mabel answered.

"At least there isn't that annoying falling sensation," I replied while walking around aimlessly.

"Here's your dimension thingy bro bro!" Mabel shouted before throwing the device to me. I barely managed to catch it with my sweaty hands. I then asked worriedly,"Wait, didn't that skeleton dude warned us to 'beware of the man who speaks in hands'?"

"Potato potatoe. I'm just bored out of my skull! No pun intended," Mabel replied as she plopped down with her back against the invisible ground,"How long until we can teleport back home?"

"13 minutes and 40 seconds," I answered, checking the screen of the Dimensional Traveller.

"Uggghhhhh," Mabel groaned miserably.

"Maybe we can tell stories to pass the time, like we did when we were in the bottomless pit," I suggested as I sat down with my knees to my chest.

"Oh! Oh! I got one!" Mabel immediately exclaimed excitedly before sitting upright,"It's called: Waddles the Wizard!"

Suddenly, random lines of symbols started forming around us, constantly flickering into other symbols.

"Uh...Mabel?" I said confusingly as I reached out to touch the symbols. Instead, my hand went right through them.

"What? You have a better story than mine that's about a magical pig that can burp bubbles?" Mabel guessed without even noticing what was happening in front of her.

Suddenly, a floating hand with a giant hole in the middle appeared behind an oblivious Mabel, seemingly wanting to grab hold of her.

"Mabel! Behind you!" I yelled in fear. Once I blinked, the mysterious hand was gone. Mabel then turned around before replying,"Dipper, the only thing behind me is complete darkness."

"But I-"

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand gripping onto the collar of my vest and pulling me into the abyss, causing me to drop the Dimensional Traveller.

"Dipper!" I heard Mabel's faint voice calling out my name. I then noticed some subtle movement across the floor. There was a heap of charcoal black slime slowly building itself up in front of me. It was topped off with a pale white skull that contained deep cracks running from his soulless eyes. Due to my nervousness, I stammered a question with an obvious answer,"A-Are you the man who sp-speaks in hands?"

"✋︎☠︎👎︎☜︎☜︎👎︎ ✋︎ ✌︎💣︎📪︎ ☹︎✋︎❄︎❄︎☹︎☜︎ 👌︎⚐︎✡︎" These particular symbols appeared right in front of my face, as if this man could only communicate with symbols and hands.

"That's why he's called that!" I thought to myself in realization.

A sinister smile grew on the man's face as the hand grabbing hold of my vest pushed me closer to him. I felt my sins crawling on my back.

"Hey you goopy freak!" Mabel's voice shouted from across the void, trying to get the attention of the man,"Take this!"

As the man's head unnaturally turned around, Mabel tossed the Dimensional Traveller towards his face. The device went right into his right eye socket and ended up coming out of his body, coated in the black slime.

"Oops," Mabel replied blankly. While the mysterious man was distracted, I quickly slipped out of my vest that he was holding and ran to retrieve the Dimensional Traveller. I then saw my vest dropping to the ground beside me.

I looked up to see what happened. To my horror, a floating hand was attacking Mabel by shooting white beams through its gigantic hole, while the other had secretly teleported behind Mabel. Mabel was busy skilfully dodging the attacks until one barely noticeable thin white beam hit her leg. She shrieked in pain and collapsed onto the cold floor, giving out a light thud. The hand behind her then grabbed hold of her sweater collar while the man slowly teleported in front of her. I could see the helpless fear in my sister's brown eyes.

"✡︎☜︎💧︎📪︎ ❄︎☟︎✋︎💧︎ ☝︎✋︎☼︎☹︎🕯︎💧︎ 👎︎☜︎❄︎☜︎☼︎💣︎✋︎☠︎✌︎❄︎✋︎⚐︎☠︎ ☜︎✠︎👍︎☜︎☜︎👎︎💧︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ 👌︎⚐︎✡︎🕯︎💧︎" this pattern of symbols appeared everywhere as the mystery man commanded his spare hand to hover in front of Mabel, revealing its palm horizontally. A dark pink heart emerged from Mabel's chest and rested on the hand, despite the hand having a gigantic hole engraved in the center. Before I knew it, tiny colorless pixels started swarming the heart and changing its color from pink to grey, as if they were trying to suck the color out of it. Worst of all, Mabel's eyes were ever so slowly transforming into black pits, just like the ones in the man's head.

No no no not again not again!!!!

I desperately tried to think of a way to save Mabel. My throbbing head did not help the situation at all.

Okay. Okay. I don't have any weapons to attack that man. I also don't have any magical armor to protect myself. If only I could distract him....

The most dumbest idea suddenly popped into my head. There was a low chance that this would work, but I didn't have any other choice. I quickly snatched my vest from the ground while holding the Dimensional Traveller in the other hand and sprinted towards "the man who speaks in hands".

Without hesitation, I threw my blue vest into the air, aiming for the man's solid white head. The vest successfully landed at its destination and draped over the man's creepy eyes, blocking his view. Needing both hands to remove it, the hands stopped their original duties and released Mabel before helping to remove my vest from the man's head.

While he was distracted, I pulled my sister up to her feet. Luckily, her leg injury was only minor, allowing her to at least stand up properly. I then held hold of her hand and ran towards the man, who had already taken off the vest from his head and left it on the cold ground.

"Dipper! Do you want us to get killed again?!" Mabel yelled in panic as we headed closer to the man.

"I only have one vest! Do you want me to suffer in the cold?" I replied as I retrieved the vest.

"✋︎❄︎🕯︎💧︎ ⚐︎✞︎☜︎☼︎📪︎ 👍︎☟︎✋︎☹︎👎︎☼︎☜︎☠︎" More sequence of symbols appeared everywhere. The two hands suddenly emerged from thin air, a few feet in front of us. They had a tint of red in their holes and were held up in a circular formation. A red ball of light then started generating in the middle of the circle of hands. Mabel and I both screeched to a halt.

"Being someone who has seen a lot of superhero movies, this cannot be good," I said nervously. I checked the screen of the Dimensional Traveller to see the words "Ready to Use".

"Bro! Hurry up! The beam laser thing is about to fire!" Mabel shouted worriedly. The red ball of light in front of us had stopped growing. It must be ready to fire. I pressed down the button on the Dimensional Traveller and held Mabel's hand tightly.

We vanished into thin air right before the deadly laser beam fired.

❄︎☟︎☜︎ ☜︎☠︎👎︎ ✋︎💧︎ ☠︎☜︎✌︎☼︎

Finding Our Way Home ‖ Crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now