He Came Back.

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The wind hit mynumb body and I started to feel sensation return to my body in theform of needles all hitting my body at once . Then I remember im outof that place but im in pain as I look down at my new animantiteclaws coming from my knuckles much like my fathers.

I startlooking around trying to figure out who helped me because I couldbarley walk on my own right now. I scan the woods and my eyes laysight to a man in a red and black spandex suit. Their are two kitanason his back several guns and grenades all over his body.

"Who areyou" I ask hesitant and on guard.

The man looksat me his head cocked to the side. Then under the mask I can see himsmile then he removes the mask to reveal a very nice looking man. Hehas short brownish blond hair thin face and a cute smile "Don't youremember me ?" he asks confused

"um ah no?"I say very confused back. He looks and starts thinking and then itseams like a light bulb lit up in his head

"Oh rightLast time you saw me I looked like two very old avocados that fuckedand made a very ugly cancerous baby." HE says with a brilliantsmile and looks happy to see me.

My eyes startto water and I smile I haven't seen him in 7 years my best friend andsavor Wade Wilson . In that military dump whole for mutants. We wereexperimented on together but Wade got free after they fucked him uptrying to give him powers and cure his cancer but they succeeded inmaking the cancer mutate his body and he can fast generate his bodymuch like me except I was born a mutant he was not.

"wade how...How did you fix your self" I ask running to him but my pinpricking numbness making me trip but he quickly catches me before Ihit the ground. I look down and see that im naked and I start toblush. Wade gets a coat and wraps me up in it as he carry me bridalstyle.

"ActuallyEllinore you did your mutation they injected me with before I savedyou it fixed my skin im still full of cancer but your healing andmine together fix the damage pretty fast" He says holding me closeas he starts walking out of the wood foliage to a road.

He walks downthe road pretty Quickly as I lean my head on his chest "im gladetesting on me help someone" I say sad and remember all of the badthings that happened to me the torcher the pain the years I spentwithout him my best friend the man who took most of the beatings andpain for me.

"I'm sorryEllie ...Sorry it took me 7 years but the strike man and bottle ofdish soap kept transfering you to difrent places and I had to killtones of ass wholes just to find you and hoped you were still sane ."He says holding me close

I smile at hismetifores for General Striker and his so called mutant doctor Ajaxsbut its gone quick. "Wade what did they do to me" I ask as helooks at me sad

"Sorry Ididn't get to you until they injected you with animantite" he saysas though he failed me. Hes walked aways down this highway and soonhe gets to a cab and gets me inside.

Inside the cabis a very nervous looking muslem with a hello kitty bag full of guns."mr Deadpool Sir were can I take you and the lovely lady" he asksWade gives him the address and looks to me

" Deadpool"I asks and by now he has put his mask back on so the man dose not seehis face.

He looks downat me " I will tell you later my little sweet cake" He saysmaking me shake my head. Wade starts some small conversation with thecab driver and looks to me every now and again as wade continues hishumor.

The cab driverdrops us off somewhere in the city of New York Wade gets his bag andcarry me down some alleys and streets then gets to an apartmentbuilding .

Inside itsquite cluttered and I hear a clanking of a cain then I see a niceblack woman but she is wearing glasses then I relise that she isblind.

"Wade whosthe Woman You got their I can smell her you know ." The woman saysstaring straight at us its creepy because I know she cant see us.

"Alf this ismy Girlfriend Ellinore Howlet." He says making my mouth drop open.

Yeay Firstpart of the story yeay please tell me what you all think and if youwant me to write more leave in comments and heart please

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