I Like It Heavy/Bad Boy

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You both grew up a little band of broken toys together. He was there for you when your mother abused you and you were always the one to unlock him from that damn freezer when his father had one too many beers. From the moment his dirty shaking hand grasped yours as you hauled his frightened body from the makeshift coffin, your friendship was cemented. When things grew too hostile at your respective houses, you both grabbed plenty of blankets and made your way to the abandoned shed in the woods behind your neighborhood. It was dank and small but it was perfect for the two of you. Curled around each other like broken puzzle pieces that somehow managed to fit perfectly together, it was the only semblance of safety the two of you knew until your parents died.

There was nothing about each other you didn't know. While he loved you wholly from the very first day, you never thought anyone could love you for more than your body; the weird curvy black girl who ran away when things got too hard. But he did. He wiped your tears when boys in school would cruelly ask you for sexual favors in the hallways and call you a whore when you rejected them.

"Why do they say these things?" you cried into his shoulder while jealous girls passed you in the hallway. He smoothed your wild black curls with his hand giving you as much comfort as he could. His love for you outweighed the murderous rage he felt at the vindictive girls and horny boys who mocked you mercilessly for your large bust and hips that were genetically bestowed on you.

"They're bastards, Logan, pay no attention to them," he took your face in his hands and forced you to meet his gaze, "you're perfect." What you didn't know is that he meant it with every fiber of his being; you truly were perfect in his eyes. He wanted to kiss away all of your pain and show you how much he meant those words. Instead he settled for kissing your forehead believing you would never love the likes of him.

You calmed him down when he panicked whenever older men to vaguely look like his father crossed into his line of sight. To this day, no one knows how he died, you're just goddamn glad he did. The cancer didn't take your mother soon enough for your broken psyche. It was in his arms that you sought comfort when you cried, guiltily relieved that she was finally gone. It was your front porch he collapsed on when Allison died and you felt a part of your soul die at the shattered boy in front of you. Somehow, you both managed to get suffer through the torture that was the supernaturally charged Beacon Hills High School in one piece.

You both ended up at the same college in Beacon Hills, as best friends do. You got closer to Derek Hale, the beautiful brooding Alpha wolf. Everyone in your group of friends knew Derek, you grew up around him. You always had a little bit of a crush on him, his knowing eyes always capable of seeing right through you. There was something different about being around him now that you were an adult. Because there was no shame in your crush now, you took a chance.


Watching him watch you as you danced the night away in a campus bar was all it took to light the fire between you. You watched his eyes glow red as other men approached you in an attempt to feel your voluptuous body on theirs. You taunted him and those men with your body, completely confident in all your curvaceous glory. If you were closer, you would have heard the rumbling growls in his chest or noticed the scent of blood in the air as he dug his nails into the fleshy pads of his palms, fighting to stay human. Bored with your current dance partner, you cast him aside and stalked towards Derek. The moment you were within touching distance, Derek grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his heated and hard body, kissing you ferociously.

"I guess you don't like teasing," you pulled away laughing.

Derek's only response was to kiss you again, his fingertips digging into your hips as if touching you was the only thing keeping him in the moment. But you were never one to let boys lead. Pinning his hands to his side, interlocking your fingers with his, you pulled away from his lips. He looked at you curiously, barely able to contain the lust in his eyes. You nipped at his bottom lip and felt his hips buck against you. His nostrils flared as you nipped his chin a little harder. He groaned. Moving along his jawline, you plastered it with soft kisses and he gripped your hands harshly in response. You took his earlobe between your teeth and bit down. He gasped audibly. You chuckled in his ear. With the tables turned on him, Derek was helpless against your wicked teasing.

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