Now I'm attending school at Somerville Elementary. As you could guess, I'm in fifth grade. But the classroom that I'm in isn't what you would call a normal fifth-grade classroom; we are in the special needs classroom. Yeah, right. The one where even though they say you're going up every grade level like "normal" kids, it's literally the same lesson plans over and over again each year. I get kind of bored with it. I mean, some of the kids, like Lauren W. are actually into the stupid things that we do.
Like on Halloween, our teacher dresses up like a witch and reads us picture books. I mean come on, what "normal" fifth-grade student gets read picture books by a badly dressed teacher? Let me answer that for you N-O-N-E. Plain and simple. They treat us like we're two. I know were classified as handicapped, but some of us do have brains you know.
Sometimes I wonder if my teacher even cares. She must have wanted an easy paycheck while she was in college. I don't even think she has a degree. The special needs teachers don't even have to do the full amount of years that "normal" teachers do. That just proves that some people don't even care.
Like I get it if SOME of the kids really can't get it together and need to have this type of schooling. But Steven Hawking didn't get his jobs and awards for nothing. He got actual schooling. Like he got to sit in a classroom with NORMAL kids. He got to do NORMAL classwork and possibly even had some NORMAL friends. I mean I know he had to work for it, but still, I'm willing to work for it for normal schoolwork.
Sometimes I wish I was never even on the face of the earth. I mean why should I even live here on Earth. Maybe there's a planet out there where people still believe that there is a person under the skin of people like me.
Nah, like that's possible.
Deafening Silence
AcakHarper has endured too much in her life. Being only ten years old, she is deaf, mute, and is in a wheelchair for life.