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(A.N. Okay so this fic takes place a few years from now. Liberty is 14, Brendon is 34 and Dallon is 40 (thehehehehe). This happens somewhere in summer, around August. So you know everything. I really hope you enjoy this. Feedbacks are great btw. OH AND IM SO SORRY THIS IS LONG AS FUCK OMG) ~Julie

Liberty's POV

I said goodbye to nurse Amanda and nurse Suzann, and then left with the guys. Of course, we had to get some medical equipment on the bus in case something happens. I had my medicine, shots of adrenaline and an automated external defibrilator. I really hoped I wouldn't need those two last ones before friday though.

Brendon said I needed to go to my house to get some stuff, so their bus (yes. Their tour bus. I'm on Panic!'s freaking tour bus) drove us to my place. They all got inside with me, so I could introduce them to my adoptive family.

"Sophia, this is Brendon, Spencer, Kenneth and Dallon. Guys, Sophia's my adoptive mom. He's Ben, her husband, and those two weirdos there, are David and Stewart, their sons," I said.

Brendon and Ben exchanged a weird look and I turned to Sophia. Tears were filling her eyes already.

I hugged her tight and said, "don't cry, mom. I'm gonna be okay. Meet me at the hospital tomorrow for my blood transfusion and my treatment?" I asked, trying to forget that we wouldn't have our traditionnal dinner on sunday night this week.

Actually, I wouldn't be there for any other sunday night dinners.

"Sure, hun, sure. I'll be there. I'll call nurse Suzann and Doctor Mckorm tonight," she said, wiping the tears from her cheek. Ben hugged me and I playfully punched David and Stewart's shoulders.

"Bye, little ones. Hope I'll be able to see you on Friday. Take care of your brother for me, okay David? And Stewart, be nice to mom and dad, alright?" it was my turn to start crying. They were both too young to realize this was maybe the last time we were in the same house. David was 7 and Stewart was only 4.

They both happily nodded, hugging me as well. Brendon put a hand on my bald head and whispered, "go get your stuff, Liberty. Don't torture yourself like that."

I nodded and walked to my room, sobbing. I took my suitcase and wandered through my stuff. I grabbed a few clothes, my lucky necklace and my shoes.

"Brendon! could you come here please?" I tried my best to shout. My level of energy was down at minus 400.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I need help. I can't carry my suitcase. I'm too.. I'm too weak," I said, sitting on my bed. I hid my face in my hands, crying.

"Hey, it's okay. Liberty, look up." I did.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Give me that suitcase of yours, we're going," he added.


We walked back to the kitchen where my family was talking with the rest of the band. Dallon had given David and Stewat two cool hats and two shirts written 'Panic!' on it. They were happier than ever. I smiled to my parents and hugged them one last time before I left with the guys.


"Where are we going?" I asked Brendon.

"Surprise," he said, smiling.

They kept me the private room at the end of the bus. Brendon told me he was the one in this room usually, but he would take a bunk for this week. He said I needed this privacy more than he did.

In fact, I took a four hours nap in the afternoon after we left my house. It was 7 o' clock, and Brendon said we would get where we needed to be in less than 5 minutes. The boys were playing X-Box while Brendon was playing cards with me on my bed.

"We're here!!" Spencer shouted across the bus.

"Coming!" Brendon yelled back. "Ready?" he asked me.

"Yup," I said, standing up.

We got out of the bus and before me was standing a huge building written 'Decaydance' on it.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I asked Brendon.

"Nope. Come in!" He said, taking my hand.

We walked in the building, as I looked around me, completely speechless. Pictures of Panic!, Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, Travie McCoy and Gym Class Heroes decorated the walls.

One one of them, I could see a young Pete shaking a young Brendon's hand. Under it was written, 'First contract for Decaydance, Panic! At The Disco- 2005. On the picture, you can see founder Pete Wentz and lead signer of the band Brendon Urie after they signed the contract.'

As we kept walking, I heard a voice behind us.

"Hey guys! yeah, no need to walk to my office, I was actually heading to the door to join you there! looks like you were faster than me on this one," he said. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hey Pete!" Kenneth said, shaking Pete's hand.

"Hey guys! oh, and you must be Liberty! I heard alot about you. It's a pleasure," he said, hugging me.

"G-Great meeting you too," I said.

"So guys, let's head to the hair and makeup room! are you guys ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," they all answered.

"Wait... Ready for what?" I asked Brendon.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said, smiling.


"This is going to look great Liberty. You're a gorgeous girl, it's so easy to do your makeup. You're a natural beauty," the makeup artist told me. "Are you ready to see yourself?" she asked, smiling.


She spinned the chair, making me face the mirror. She had hidden the blue wrinkles under my eyes, the red marks on my face due to all the blood transfusions, my lips weren't purple-ish blue anymore, but bright red. My cheeks were bright pink, and my eyelids were silver and black.

"I-I-I'm speechless. This-This is so beautiful. Th-Thank you so much," I said, standing up to hug her.

"You're so welcome, darling. The makeup is only a plus. You're gorgeous," she told me.

"Stop, I'm going to cry and you'll have to start all over," I said, laughing through the sobs.

"You can join the guys in the fitting room," she said, pointing a door.

When I entered the room, I found Pete, Patrick, Brendon, Dallon, Spencer, and Kenneth.

They all gasped and remained speechless. After a few seconds, Brendon spoke up.

"You're absolutely stunning, Liberty. I swear. You're gorgeous."

I smiled and hugged him.


"Ready?" the photographer asked.

"Yeah!" we all answered.

Brendon, Dallon, Spencer, Kenneth, Patrick, Pete and I were getting photographed.

They gave me a beautiful leather jacket with black jeans, heels and a silver tank. I looked like a rock star.

After the photoshoot was over, we printed the pictures and headed back to the bus. Before we left, Pete and Patrick hugged me, telling me how happy they were to have met me.

They let me keep the clothes, which made me really happy. I really loved them.

We got on the bus and, exhausted, I went straight to my room. I got changed in my pjs and, before I got to bed, Brendon came in. He was holding an envelope in his hands.

"Keep them. They look fabulous," he said, giving me the envelope.

"Thanks," I said, walking to my bed. I layed down and Brendon layed beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders and I hid my face in his neck. After only a few seconds, I drift to sleep.

Spencer's POV

There was one thing that really stood up to my eyes when I looked at the picture of Brendon and Liberty together. Their eyes.

They were identical.

Peace for Liberty (panic! At the disco fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now