chappy 3

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Sup umm i cant wait so imma use my oc's instead, but if you do leave some i'll add them later in the story.
Me: before we start sorry i said chappy 3 last chapter but i thought it was 3.
???:thats cause your a dumbass
Me:i can erase you from here if i wanted to so HA!
???: you wouldn't
Me: try me
???:fine you win
Me:HA, also readers you will find out who ??? Is
???:fucking finally
Me:shut the fuck up
D.A. pov
'hey S who should i take'
'well it has to right. Lets see......... You will need someone skilled in archery, a close combat fighter, and a healer.' 'Thanks'      
I went to the board. Here you can see who is out on a mission and who isn't. 'Oh look. Ruby is here' i pushed the button next to her name. There are buttons next to everyones names so they know they are needed. 'Next, Ashely.... Yeah she'll do. And finally........ No not her, but she is the only one left so fine' then i pushed the button next to HER name.
S-'So Ruby, the healer' 'Yup' S-'Ashely, the archer' 'Yes' S-' and.... No why?' 'She was the only close combat fighter here, not occupied.' S-' True, but you and Storm don't get along at all. She is brash and doesn't listen to anyone, not even HIM, she hates everyone and everything, and will most likely get everyone killed' 'Too late now imma hide and scare the shit out of them'
-timeskip- 5min
"Oh hey Ruby"-Ash( ish a nickmame)"Hi Ashely-san, did you call me"-R "No"-Ash"Then why are you here"-R"Just like you, i got called by someone"-Ash "Then we just have to wait"-R "Right"-Ash. "Ok which one of you bitches called me" Storm "Really, Storm must you cuss"-Ash "Yeah just like Ashley-san said, thats a bad influence on the younger ones"-R "Like i give a shit. And Ruby why do you add -san to everyone else but me"-Storm" Respect is earned not given"-R "-growls- Whatever, stupid bitch. HE'S gonna chose someone to run this place when HE leaves to do whatever the fuck HE wants and thats gonna be me"-Storm. I decided now would be a good time to appear. I scared Ruby and Ashley but not Storm. "Well if it isn't the slutty bitch Angle"-Sm (is easier then writing her name) "Storm that is enough. You say your gonna become the next master, but Angle has more of a chance than you"-Ash, Storm only rolled her eyes. "Ashley you dont need to do that, we all know that HE doesn't choose because the orb does. It chooses someone who will be master. Remeber we all became immortal when we graduated. Anyway, back why we are all here. I called you here for a mission."-D.A. "Well fuck that shit im leaving"-Sm"STORM, Angle called us here because this is important and needs your help and you will or HE will find out and punish you"-R "Fine I'll fucking help"-Sm. "Good, we leave tomorrow morning you all best be ready by 7"-D.A. "Why so fucking EARLY and what no details"-Sm "Tomorrow" i said and walked away, letting them go do whatever.
I headed to Roses room. "Rose what do you need help with"-DA "I-i need help with what weapon i should ch-choose"-little r "well that is for you to find out" "o-oh" "but i think some type of blade will do for you" "*with stars in her eyes* REALLY" "yes, anyway i have to go and get ready" "ok see ya Angle" "see ya" i replied as i walked to my room.
My room wasn't anything special. The walls were black and there was barely any light except for a few candles. My door was blood red so others knew this was my room. I started to pack. The mission might take a week so i need to be prepared. I packed some clothes, some extra weapons, foox and water. Then i went into a dreamless sleep..... Or so i thought.
Author pov
Bet you wanna know what Storm and Angle were talking about. So the orb is....well an orb, but it knows who is ready to take control of the mansion and shit that involes the mansion like picking students. Anyway when they graduate they become immortal and remember very few survive. HE will only leave to start a new school elsewhere or just travel or go back home its really up to him.
Me: soooooo what you think also i may or may not tell what the dream was about ... I was gonna say something but i forgot of well ill remember later if i have too any way byyyyeee!!!!

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