Undertale - Fall

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Holy shit I'm writing stuff what is this.

Anyway, yes, long ass hiatus. Heck, you might not even remember my name anymore but yeah. I've been very active on Tumblr, and I just can't leave that hell of a website,,,

So I'm back. With more depressing one-shots. This time, it's surprisingly not Fell. It's regular ol' Sans instead. Swell amr.

Ship: –
Words: 1092

A gust of wind and you're gone, but not forever.

Sans wanted to say so much more, he wanted to do so much more. He wanted to sleep, but the shadows of his dim, moonlit room is too overwhelming to sleep in it. Even if the bed is quite more comfortable than the couch, he preferred the alternative more than he expected. His room brings nightmares, it's eeriely quiet. Dark is in every inch of the room. The only thing making sound is his unnecessary hurricane of unneeded things, and even that doesn't produce much sound and provide much comfort.

On the other hand, the couch is much better. Even when it's not the most comfortable thing to sleep on, he could hear the static of the television in the background, the snow falling and tapping on the living room window, the clanks of Papyrus making them breakfast (and failing miserably on the taste, but he prefers not to tell his brother about that), and it's overall brighter. Sans, at first, thought that sleeping on the couch would make his weird nightmares stop.

But sadly, it didn't.

In the first timeline, before the resets, the was already experiencing these nightmares. He searched for the answer, the meaning of these dreams. He talked to as many people as he could, including his old friend, Alphys the scientist. But even the royal scientist couldn't understand it. Then how could he?

He had walked to the enormous purple door, talked to the voice on the other side of it. They share the same sense of humor, puns. They traded them everyday, making more and more. Even though they never met, they had a connection. An unbreakable bond. But it all changed when that day met his life. Sans tried to talk to the motherly voice that day.

But the voice didn't reply.

What he heard was soft whimpers, soft cries of pain. He heard the familiar sound of dust- the other was gone.

And that is when it all started to fall down.

He met the kid for the first time. They were so… cold. Expression unchanging, a sealed, straight lips. An everlasting, unreadable expression that sent chills down Sans' spine. It doesn't help how the kid seems to has dust on their dirty sweater. He tried not to think of that much, but it kept appearing on his mind. He was scared, he didn't want to be there. But he had to, it's something he had to face.

Whether he likes it or not.

The days flew slowly after that first encounter. He didn't notice at first, but the numbers of monsters were depleting ridiculously fast. His shadow told him it was the kid, but he didn't listen. How could a small child harm anyone…?

But apparently, they could. They horrifyingly could.

He noticed this fact when he returned from his regularly scheduled shift, returned to his home. The door was unlocked. That's weird, Sans had thought. His brother, Papyrus, never had left a door unlocked. Especially the front door. When he entered the house, the demons in his room has apparently taken over. It was quiet, so weirdly quiet. The house was never this quiet, never even one second it did before. But now, the whole house was dark, the lights were off, the shadows in his room has took their place. There was no clanking in the kitchen, no sound.


And Sans hated that. He soon thought that something was off, he felt his shadow cackle. He heard them say,

"This is what happens if you don't listen." "Where is your angel now?" "Where is he?" "Where is he?"

"Where, Sans?"

He, for the first time, listened to them. Oh, what a wrong decision he made. He tied his fate up, he couldn't move now. This is his fate, a straight, yet overlapping route. The other one was blocked off, it was gone.

He ran outside, and into the  blizzard he went. White, so cold, he was weak, so weak. White was everywhere, the wind is blowing viciously, but he can't turn around now. He has searched everywhere for his brother, the blizzard was the only way through. Slowly, he made out two shadows. They made bodies, and he recognized them quickly. The kid and…


He couldn't move faster, but he heard bones clashing, he heard a knife slashing away. It was not a real knife, but it still sounds… hurtful, dangerous. He realized that his brother was battling the human, and he made the shadows out…

His brother lost, and the blizzard suddenly stopped.

The reality was suddenly his nightmares, but worse. Sans didn't believe what his eyesockets were looking at. He didn't move forward, he couldn't. Even is his mind was screaming, "MOVE!", his body won't cooperate.

He had a front, full view of his lovely brother, his angel, getting slashed on the neck and his head falling off. His angel's head was crushed into dust by the human's boots. He felt his brother's warmth on his soul freeze and fade.

Papyrus didn't deserve this.

He ran to his brother's remains, his dust. It was neatly put on his scarf. Sans crouched down on the cold snow, and he stared at the pile of dust that was once his brother, water pushing it's way to his eyesockets.

His brother was gone.

He was gone.

Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone gone gone gone gone-

Sans blamed himself for this.

Then everything was a slow burn, his world crashed around him. The shadows were everywhere now, there's no escape. First, the voice behind the door. Second, his angelic brother. Third, Undyne. Fourth, Mettaton…

Everyone is dying.

It's all his fault.

The voices were right, and his logical mind was wrong. He was falling, but he was caught by his friends. But they're gone now, and he was falling again.

Around, and around, and around. Falling down into the void, the void itself consuming him…

And it's his turn to go.

But the nightmare is never-ending.

He felt a surge of power through the world, and he was suddenly on his bed, sweating bullets.

And it repeats.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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