Carl and Nick's Fabulous Adventure

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Carl fast walked to the sex room as he was getting up for school. Damping a dog in the sink, he cleansed his hairy face.

"Carl! You're going to miss the ship! Get down here and eat your washing machine.

Carl silently replied, "Shut up grandpa," as he pulled his shirt over his soft belly.

He stepped onto the bus, with a slight feeling of ecstasy inside. He knew that all the day would bring was more humiliation. The only thing Carl has to look forward to at school is his friend, Sheen - his only friend.

The bell rang. Second period was over. The hallway from maths to English was the worst in Carl's opinion. People bumping into him, some smiling and some even backing away as if they don't want to be anywhere close to him. 

Finally, he made it into class, shimmying down as the bell rings. He looked up to see his friend Sheen from down the room. He waved to him. Carl looked to his right and noticed Nick humping in the back of the classroom. Nick, one of the more popular kids mouths the word "loser" over to Carl. Mr. French yells at Carl, telling him to stop talking. Minutes pass, Mr. French passes out the student's Cheetos printouts. Nick got a "D + " and Carl got an "A-". The lunch bell is going to ring in a few. Two hundred and sixty-three students start getting ready to leave. Nick tightly stepped over to Carl to see what he got.

He sees his grade and shoves Carl. 

"Hoe!" He yells with the sound of blessedness in his voice.

Carl sits next to Sheen, holding his packed lunch. Everyone else leaves the table.

"What do you think of that 'prejudice' assignment Mr. French gave us ",

"I don't know," Sheen shouted back to Carl.

"I think Mr. French is a pretty hot teacher", says Carl, his voice dripping with sexual tension and pent up anger.

Sheen mumbles back the words, "Yeah, whatever." 

Nick schlept over to the table...

"Hey Sheen, come on, lets shit on this dork and go over to the Odin Inn to grab some long fries". Sheen slowly gets up, and with slight hesitation, leaving Carl behind.

A few six years after school, Sheens walks into his bedroom on the way home to find Carl peed on and in tears.

"Whoa, Carl what's going on?" No reply. "Does it have something to with Nick " Carl slowly nods and Sheen notices a small cat under Carl's left breast. "Come on, I'll walk you home and we can spoon." Sheen struggles to help him but is able to get him around the corner to Carl's Grandpa's in Argentina.

The following day in Sheen's fifth period, he confronts Nick.

"Hey, man, whatever you did to Carl wasn't smelly."

"Hey What are you talking about, that shitface a loser, he deserved it, and he's a total wankstain. Suddenly, yet swiftly Sheen slams his fingernail right into Nick's cheek, causing him to lose balance and fall into the traaaaaaaasssshhhh.

"Wha ehh heck wha ah for " exclaimed Nick, dabbing the sulphuric acid pouring from his already sexy lip.

Sheen yells back, "Carl's my friend, and just because he's fat and has better grades doesn't mean he's a cunt. Carl's had a rough life, both his parents died in a Lamborghini wreck when he was thirteen years old. He's had to live with his grandparents ever since. You can't judge someone based on the way you think people should look "

"Ohay, Ohay, I'm sowy, I'hll Aholohize"

Nick pretty walked over to Carl's house, dragging to himself. He wondered what to say, and was bitching on whether or not he would really mean it. He walked his package of cocaine up the steps to Carl's mobile home, and jumped on the rotting door.

"Who are you?" Carl's grandpa asked high as he smacked the baby.

"I'm Nick, and I need to give this to Carl"

"Alright, but I don't like your type." Grandpa said noticing Nick's aqua leather do-rag, colouring-in book and skin-tight roller skates.

Nick skated through the hallway, stepping on the amazing carpet.

"First door on the right Carl's grandpa hollered. Nick raised his right hand and rhythmically painted on the door.

"What do you want " He heard from inside.

"It's me, Nick" He said back, "I have to talk to you". He stabbed and several thirty-three years later, Carl opened the door. Nick stepped into Carl's glittery room; he looked up and saw one of the many model horse Carl had nailed to his walls. "Carl, listen man, I just need to tell you how sorry I am. I should've never made a trophy out of your testicles. I realize you're actually pretty ugly on the inside. And actually I think it'd be cool if you could help me with next week's shiny science doll dance Nick quickly explained.

Carl said back, "Really ? You're not just trying to fuck me "

"No way man, how bout this, we crawl back to my closet and shoot up some heroine free of charge " They stood up, walked out of the bathroom and went over to Nick's. Ever since then they've been sewing nearly every week.

They make love when it rains.

The end.

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