I walk down the endless road of life
Meeting many others on the way...
some i will hate and some i will befriend
and some i will never see again
I will walk by some
not even taking notice
not even listening
or talking to them
But as i see you
i pass by
I myself might not notice
but my eyes do not lie
they have searched
their entire lives
For the one i will walk my path with
for the one i will share most of my life with
for my companion
or in other words
my love
When they find you they will not forget
they will try everything to get me to notice
to at least see you there
my eyes will team up with the rest of my body
my stomach will flip then rise to my chest,
my voice will not be able to come from my mouth,
my lungs and heart will start to race
my body will heat up
and my brain will hit the fire alarm and set off the sprinklers
they will spill over my forhead
My body will release every sign they can
to get the message to me
but i will still not see
and i will leave you behind
not knowing that i will see you again...
I do not know what my eyes are trying to say but i know they never lie.