I ran down stairs and saw Volterra down stairs watching t.v.
"You did you eat yet" I asked across the room
"NO I'm starving" She said eagerly
"Come on"
Me and Volterra ran out the door and into the cold woods. Me and her where scooping the area for animals. I nudged her shoulder and pointed out in the distance we saw two deer. we ran to a near by tree and climbed up one. she grabbed the deer's neck as a saw her fangs come out and injecting them in the deer's neck and blood splattering on her face her took her fangs out as the sun made the blood on her fangs glisten . I grabbed the neck has i cracked it neck and drunk its blood. Me and Volterra ran back to the house and saw everybody out in the kitchen table.
"Finally we where waiting for ages" Zayn said
"What is it" I said sitting down
"Where moving" Voltaire said
"Where to" Volterra said
"Ireland" Niall said
Sorry for the long update