Chapter 1

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The walk to school is dreadful. It always has been, and it always will be.

It's about a two mile walk up and down several hills, and I must keep away from the scary dog that roams the neighborhood, but that's not the worst part.

The worst part is Marcus Greyson. He lives on my street and I have to pass him everyday on the way to school.

He's never hurt me, physically anyway, but he's very big and very mean. You don't really want to take a chance with a guy like him.

But, I pass him with confidence and dignity everyday.

I can't believe I once wished we were friends. Yes, it's true. It was my first day in this town and I was in sixth grade, just like Marcus.

~~~~~~~five years earlier~~~~~~~~~

I had really hoped people would like me. This was the most nervous I had ever been in my life. I clutched my Hannah Montana lunchbox and my light pink binder close, wishing I could just go back home.

I just need one friend. If I just find one great friend, everything else will fall into place. If all else fails, I guess I could talk my mom and dad into hiring someone to homeschool me.

But, the thought was gone once I saw a boy up ahead. He was writing something in a notebook in front of what looked like his house.

I walked a little quicker with excitement. This is it. This kid may just be my new friend.

"Hi." I say. He doesn't look up. "Whatcha writing?" I ask.

He looks at me like I'm stupid.

"None of your business."

I tried to not let that one bother me.

"Well, wanna walk to school together?" I ask.

He doesn't look at me this time. "I'd rather die than walk to school with you."

I was quite shocked at how angry this boy is.

"What's your problem?" I asked, upset.

"At the moment, you are." He said.

Then, a door behind him opened and a man with no shirt stepped out.

I couldn't repeat what he said, but he told Marcus to get his 'butt' to school.

Marcus got up immediately and started walking to school.

"Who was that?" I asked, trying to keep up with him.

"My dad." He said. This is the first time he's answered me without an insult.

"Well, what's he so mad about?" I ask again.

He stops abruptly and turns to look at me.

"Leave me alone!" He yells.

I got really angry.

"I was just trying to be your friend!" I yelled back.

"I don't want any friends, and I especially don't want to be your friend!" He yells, just before smacking my binder and lunchbox to the ground, spilling all of their contents.

I sat down to pick it up and began to cry.

Why is he so hateful?

~~~~~~~~~~present day~~~~~~~~~

So, that's why I hate Marcus.

I'm getting closer to Marcus' house and I see him sitting on the same step he always sits on in front of his house.

I pass by quietly, trying to not bring any attention to myself.

"Hey, Dakota!" He says as I walk by.

I stop and turn my head slightly.

"Try not to step in that dog poop." He says.

I instantly jump and look around, but there's nothing there, of course. He's like a seven year old. His jokes aren't funny, they're just annoying.

I sigh and continue walking.

Once I arrive at school, I'm surrounded.

I'm not trying to brag, but people like me. Apparently, at this school, you just have to be blonde, skinny, and rich.

I can't help my hair color, I'm not trying to be skinny, and it's not my fault my parents have money.

"Oh my god, Dakota, I wish I had your wardrobe!" Skye tells me.

I just smile slightly.

"Dakota! I can't believe you still walk to school! Your shoes will get ruined!" Ashley whines.

"Well, I don't get my permit for another month, and my parents leave before I get up." I explain.

"You have such a hard life, but you look so great living it." Sarah tells me.

Weird, but okay. I just do a sort of nervous laugh and continue walking inside.

When I get to my locker, I see a note inside.


Hey babe, just wanted to say I love you.


I laugh at the note. It's sweet, I guess, but I don't love him and he shouldn't love me. I've only been on four dates with the guy.

He's a senior, and captain of the football team. He's also point guard on the basketball team, so everybody loves him. But, he's not too bright, and he lacks some serious personality skills.

But, like I said, he is sweet so I'm okay with going on dates with him.

I grab my books and walk to class. The stares begin.

People wondering what I did last night, although I just watched a movie at home. They talk about whether I've 'done it' yet. They all think they know me.

I guess you could say I don't really have any friends. Yeah, I have people who follow me around and compliment me. But, they don't care about me. I try to make real friends, but it seems like everybody is either jealous of me, or they hate me.


School passed with a blur. I just wasn't feeling it today.

I walk back to my locker to put away my things and see that Adam is there to greet me.

"Hey, babe." He says. Honestly, I'm getting tired of that word.

"Hey." I say.

"I didn't see you at lunch today." He says, looking worried.

"Yeah, I went to the library instead. Mrs. Dayton lets me eat in there sometimes."

"It sounds like you're friends with the library. Anyway, I'm having a few guys over tonight with their girlfriends, and I was thinking you'd come over." What an invitation.

"Well, I was going to get caught up on homework tonight."

He snickers. "That's too nerdy. Come on." He pleads.

I sigh. "Alright. But my curfew is ten."

"Great. I'll get you at six." He says, grinning widely.

I try to hurry home so that I can beat Marcus on his way.

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