Chapter 1

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             "All  cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under Clanrocks for a Clan meeting!" yowled Bramblestar yowled.

         "We're going to be apprentices!" I said to my friend, Autumnkit. "I can't wait!"

          I attempted to squirm away as Hopesplash  tried to clean my ruffled fur. "They should name you Spottedworm, you move around so much! Don't you want to look civilized for your apprentice ceremony?"

           "Autumnkit, Spottedkit, please step forward." Bramblestar yowled. "From now on, you will be known as Autumnpaw and Spottedpaw.  Fishleap, you showed your courage in the battle against Shadowclan. You will be mentor to Autumnpaw." Autumnpaw touched her nose to her mentor's shoulder. 

        "I will be the best apprentice I can be," she whispered,  and sat back down.

        "I believe that I would be the best mentor to Spottedpaw," said Bramblestar. 

        The Clan gasped.  It was extremely rare that the leader was assigned to mentor an apprentice.  This usually meant great destiny, good or evil.

        Bramblestar jumped down from Clanrocks, and touched his nose to my shoulder. I licked his in turn.  My heart swelled with pride as the Clan shouted our names. 

         "Spottedpaw! Autumnpaw! Spottedpaw! Autumnpaw!"  I staightened up  and puffed out my chest.  

          "Would you like to come on a tour of the territory?"  Bramblestar asked.  I realized that I could finally leave camp and go exploring! Of course I would want to go. Who wouldn't?

        "Yes, please," I mewed happily. I bounded after Bramblestar and through the camp entrance.  Suddenly, a new scent hit my nose. It smelled good! Then, Bramblestar lashed out with one paw and pulled a mouse out of the Bush!

         "Cool!" I said.  "Can I try?"

        "Okay," said Bramblestar.  "First, search for any fresh mouse scent."

        I did as he said, and soon, the musty odor made its way up to my nostrils. 

        "Now, keep your, tail still, breath through your nose, and leap onto that unsuspecting  mouse!"

       I stopped swishing my tail, and breathed through my nose.  Then, when I had finished judging the distance, I leaped!  I gave the mouse a killing bite and brought it back to Bramblestar. 

       "The Clan has been fed. You may eat," he said. "But remember, never eat before the Clan has eaten. It's against the warrior code!"

        "I'll remember," I replied through a mouthful of mouse. It was the best thing I'd ever tasted!  The explosion of the delicious flavors in my mouth was almost overwhelming.  Gulping down the rest of the mouse, I asked, "What's next?"

          "Well, you should get your rest, because we're going to the Moonpool tonight," he replied. "We are going to share tongues with Starclan."

         "Okay," I said, trying to control my excitement.  I couldn't wait to see my destiny!

                                                                         *  *  *

      I woke up to the sound of Bramblestar's voice.  "Come on, you sleepyhead. It's time to go to the Moonpool! 

        I jumped up and shook dried moss out of my pelt. This was the moment I'd been waiting for! I ran after Bramblestar, eventually getting to his side. "Slow down!" I said playfully. Then, I spotted Autumnpaw. "Hi!" I said.

       "Hey there, Spottedpaw! I cant wait to get to the Moonpool!"  she replied cheerfully.

       "Yeah, I can't wait! Starclan will show us our destinies!" I mewed. Along the way, we passed the river and all sorts of other cool places. 

        When we got there, Bramblestar started to speak. "Touch your nose to the water, and go to sleep."

        Doing as I was told, I touched my nose to the ice-cold water, and then went to sleep.

        I woke up in a strange, misty place.  A black cat padded up to me.

      "A cat will  rise on dappled wings, and only after she defeats death and raging storm will she know her true destiny," it said, and vanished.

      "Wait! What does this mean?" I asked frantically, but no one answered.   

       I woke up with a start. My heart was pounding and I was breathing heavily. "What's wrong?" asked Bramblestar.  "What did Starclan show you?"

      "Nothing important," I lied.

                                                                             *  *  *

      I woke up the next morning, and my fur was all ruffled.   I had the same dream again, with what seemed like a prophecy.  Still, I didn't tell anyone.  I didn't want to sound like I was scared of a little dream. Perhaps I had eaten too much fresh-kill.  But I kept on having visions.  I saw myself in a puddle leading others into battle.  I saw shapes of clan cats in the clouds.  Starclan was definitely trying to send a message.

     During battle training, I saw the cloud sign again.  It didn't make any sense.  I was just an ordinary apprentice.  Not a leader or medicine cat or something.  I wasn't special.

      "You're special," said a voice.

     I whipped around to see the black prophecy cat standing behind me.  "Who are you?" I asked.

     "I am Cloudstar, former leader of Cloudclan. Anyway, how could you not be special if I sent you a prophecy?"

      "You're real, aren't you?" I asked.  I stuck my paw into his face. It didn't go through.   "Sorry!" I said.

      "Wake up! Now! Something important is happening!" he said frantically.

       I woke up to the sound of yowling cats. It was a Shadowclan attack!  I jumped into the battle, and I was face to  face with a giant tom. I fled, looking for an opponent closer to my size. Suddenly, I saw Hopesplash.  I ran over to help her, but it was too  late.  She lay motionless on the ground.   But the fire in  her eyes had not got out yet.  She stood up and batted her opponent until she sent him running into the bushes.  My mother and I fought side by side, a danger to anyone who tried to fight us. Soon enough, we were sending Shadowclan away with their tails tucked between their legs. 

   "Retreat!" shouted Blackstar, and Thunderclan was victorious!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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