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"Yes, Harry."

"Can I get my kissies now?"

I sigh.

"Didn't I tell you I dont give my patients kisses, Harold."

"That's not my name silly, my name is Harrrrrry, not Harrrrold, I'm not old."

"Well then, how old are you, Haz?"

"I like that."


"You callin me Hazzz, 's cute."

I blush.

"Well, Haz, how old are you?"


"And you try to tell me you're not old? You are the silly one here."

"Noooo, I'm youngg, how old are you, nursey Lou?"

"I'm twenty."

"You are so young! Like a baby, no wonder you're so smol, smol lil baby."

I chuckle, making my way to the door.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Night, baby nursey Lou."

Hello everyone,

I hope you're enjoying this story, if not I'm sorry. Anyway the reason for this authors note is basically because I finished this story and will now update the whole thing.

I had two verrrry boring classes today which I used to write this.


X Emma.

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