Chapter 8

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My life continued on a daily loop, getting up, editing my blog or writing a new blog post, posting on instagram, getting ready, cleaning, going to work at least twice a week, coming home, eating, watching Netflix then going to bed. It was now December though and I was 8 months, and my bump had finally grown! It was still quite small but the midwife was happy with my progression. Today was my last day of work so I was quite sad because I actually like work!
I had just got changed into my normal clothes, jeans (however they were maternity) and a top or jumper but today I was wearing a long sleeved blouse, although it was pretty cold. I got changed into an oversized-ish white long sleeved blouse and then I sat down to do my makeup. I did my usual makeup and then I put my hair up into quite a neat ponytail. I grabbed my coat and scarf and headed downstairs to get my shoes and bag. I slipped on some ugg boots and then grabbed my bag and locked the house. I drove to town and parked my car. I walked over to the lift as I was lazy and pregnant and couldn't be bothered to climb the stairs! I got in the lift and I was in there with two old women who immediately emerged into conversation with me.
"Aww you have a lovely little bump, how far along are you?" One of them asked me
"I'm actually due in about 5 weeks so I'm just over 8 months!"
"Oh wow and your still working?" The other woman said obviously noticing my TopShop lanyard "Yeah only twice a week as me and my boyfriend need the extra money" I replied
"Ah well good on ya!" The first woman said, and with that the lift doors opened. We walked out and I made my way over to the familiar store. This shift seemed shorter than all the other ones. I was only working for 3 hours maximum as that's all I was allowed, but I was already halfway through my shift and it felt like 10 minutes. The shop was extra busy today with last minute Christmas shoppers, so I was working on one of the tills with 6 other people! There was only just over 2 weeks until Christmas and these times were definitely the most busied, but also the best because the clothes are the nicest and it also means I get discounts! After working on the tills for the last 2 hours I was put on changing rooms. This was probably the easiest job by far as you had to give people a number for their items and then if they didn't like an item of clothing you would put it on a rack with their size, ready to be sorted out later. Finally an hour passed and I headed back through the shop to the staff only area. I went over to my locker and grabbed my bag, coat and scarf and then went into the team room to say bye. As I walked in a heard a huge surprise being yelled.
It shocked me so much! They had thrown me a surprise party! I went around and thanked everyone and then I was told to sit down.
I was handed a huge bag with baby girl on it, and a balloon attached to the handle. I opened it and it was full halfway with clothes. I looked inside and picked out multiple baby grows, some Hats, a pair of baby converse in white, a cute dress and then a really cute pink fluffy dressing gown with princess on the back. There was then an envelope with a spa day tickets for 2 in and finally loads of sweets and chocolate!
"Everyone chipped in" my manager said. I thanked everyone again and then I admired the array of food laid out on the table. I helped myself and so did everyone else, and before long the mini party was over as everyone had to get back to work. I said bye to everyone and then before long I was leaving the shop. I slowly made my way down to the car and thought about relaxing in the bath after a fairly long day. I got in my car and began driving home, I stopped off at McDonald's and got myself a large chicken nugget meal and Jordan an Chicken legend and large chips. I soon arrived home and went straight upstairs where I found Jordan playing Fifa with Jack obviously. It was only four o'clock and Jack had probably been in the house 10 minutes yet he'd decided to go on FIFA straight away! I went into my room and closed my curtains and then turned on my fairy lights while I ate my McDonalds and scrolled through my social medias. I took my laptop off charge and then chose a lush Christmas bath bomb and a few soap and glory products for my bath. I grabbed my towel and my phone and then headed into the bathroom. I began running the bath and then put my bath bomb in and then my bath soak so the bath went super bubbly. I stripped down and got into the bath and immediately felt relaxed. I lit a Yankee candle and put it on the side and then put Netflix and put pretty little liars on. I set that down and then I began watching that. I took a quick snapchat and then just watched a couple of episodes of PLL. After I got out of the bath I needed to pee super badly, which was kinda strange because I was never ever super desperate for the toilet. I peed for a super long time, when I began getting suspicious, and then as of right on cue a super strong shooting pain shot across my stomach. Oh my God the baby's coming. I began panicking, I washed my hands and then waddled over to my bedroom. I put a bra on and then a huge shirt and some pregnancy pants and then a pair of pyjama bottoms.
"Jordan" I shouted, wincing in pain. He rushed in and was immediately by my side. He knew what was happening straight away and took my hand and led me downstairs. My mum and dad were out and that panicked me more, he grabbed my hospital bags that had been under the stairs for the last 2 weeks. He helped me into the car and I grabbed my phone out of my coat pocket, the coat I only just managed to put on through the pain. I quickly dialled my mums number and she answered almost straight away.
"Mum I've gone into labour please come to the hospital" I was almost crying!
After an agonising 30 minutes of driving to the hospital we finally arrived and my mum and dad greeted us there. I was given my own room and the midwife examined me straight away.
"Okay Chloe your about 4cm dialated. Your only 6cm away from delivering and there's no say in how long that will take, but don't worry"
"But I'm due in a month and 8 days" I said
"That's fine, your baby's heart rate is normal and everything looks pretty healthy" I sighed with relief
"Good luck honey I'll see you later..."

This progresses quickly haha sorry! Also sorry for any bad grammar!

18 and pregnant; too young?Where stories live. Discover now