Fuck you very much

21 1 0

I'm feeling so fucking stressed, everything that I hear hurts me. I can't sleep. Days are shorter, nights longer.. My eyes feel the pain that my body recieves. My thoughts are very confused. My eyes can't see, my ears can't hear, my hands are shaking. My heart can't beat, is full of darkness, I'm colder than the usual.. I want to break away from everything, I want to kill myself, but I know it won't change anything. I want to cut myself, but I know that it won't help me, in the end, it will make me suffer more. I want to kill everybody, but I don't want to be alone the rest of my life.. I only have 1 friend, my best friend, my brother from another mother, and I'm not as good as I'm supposed to be with him. I'm bad with everybody. They are good with me, and I just keep ignoring them. I should suicide, I don't have anything to lose. I used to love a girl, who was excelent, beautiful and now, because of the school, I have to say goodbye to her.. this life isn't worth living.
I'll do it.
I will definitely do it.

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