The boy with auburn hair

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He was propped up on the windowsill in his school uniform, his large scarf fluttered in the gentle autumn breeze as his auburn hair gently ruffled. The sight of him was beautiful his porcelain skin was tainted with light pink as to be kissed by the coldness of the wind he seemed to be asleep, I looked closely and realized he had headphones on they seemed to be falling out. Suddenly the wind picked up and made them fall out the rest of the way I saw him frown in disappointment, I quietly went over to him and picked them up I heard a soft melody 🎶"The people walking on the street while holding hands
Do they know how precious that is?
The lights turn on when night comes
But why does my heart get darker?" 🎶
Not wanting to wake him I turn away and was making my way back until "When Autumn comes... Please don't leave me" he said with a tender voice making my heart flutter yet feel pain. Walking over to him I took the headphones and placed them back in his ears, his lips slightly chapped turned into a small smile I took the rest of the big scarf that was fluttering in the wind and wrapped it around him 'if I leave him like this he'll catch a cold... It's best to wake him' I thought to myself. "Um... Excuse me" I said lightly tapping his shoulder he didn't even flinch he must be a deep sleeper "sir please wake up!" I said a bit louder shaking him, his eyes fluttered open his brown eyes met my Hazel ones with a glare making me step back a few steps "I'm sorry it's just if you stay on the windowsill you'll catch a.." Before I could finish he shot up from window "don't ever wake me" he growled and with that he walked out the door leaving me in shock. Picking up my bag that I had accidentally left behind I turn and make my way out the doors. The crisp autumn air of Daegu hits me making me shiver, I wrap my gray scarf securely around my neck. I started walks toward the direction of my house when I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around I came face to face with the guy I met earlier "here" he says shoving a warm cup into my hands then walking off. I took a small sip and was surprised when the taste of hot coco ran down my throat. It warmed my hands and my body as well as my heart. I smiled at the kind gesture of the auburn haired boy and made my way home. Finally home I put the small cup of coco onto the countertop once again smiling at it "he's not so cold after all" I say to myself.

Hello lovely readers!! I hope you enjoy my fanfic of Min Yoongi!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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