Why did i have to fall for the badass? *sigh* part 3

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yeppp here it issss heehee hope yu like ittt

Chapter 3

The bell rang and I gathered my stuff, I noticed all the girls where around Dustin and he was flirting with them all. "Hey you wait up" Dustin said and I kept walking, I rolled my eyes when I felt an arm go around my shoulders.

"so new girl you want to go to a club tonight or you just want to fuck?" said a very ugly guy, I made a gagging sound and pushed him away

" I don't want to go anywhere with you, and I don't want to have anything to do with you" I spat out and he rolled his eyes, ugh can't he just go away!

"listen..." he said and I zoned him out, I looked at my map and headed to my locker.

"ey!" he exclaimed and grabbed my wrist, he looked and me and smirked

"let me go" I said through my clenched teeth and he chuckled, he gave my wrists a twist and I flinched in pain.

"yo! Derek shes not worth your time just let her go, shell come back to you" one of the 5 brothers, I think it was josh, said coolly. His shiny soft brown hair shone in the sunlight as he passed by a window, and I stared after his amazing hotness

"this isn't over" Derek and then he threw me harshly against the lockers, I hit my head and the pain was unbearable. I rubbed my head and inhaled a deep breath, the bell rang and I realized I was gonna be late

"shit" I muttered and looked at the map, I was confused as soon as I saw it and then I realized that it was backwards. I laughed at my own stupidity and started walking to my class, I found it in a jiffy and stepped into the classroom

"um hello" I said to the teacher and I gasped at the person who looked up at me...

'~~~~ ooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! who do yu think it isss well yu will have to find out on the next chappieeeeeeee okkkkeyyy dokeeyyy comment and vote tnnxxx 4 reading!~~~~

Why did i have to fall for the badass? *sigh*Where stories live. Discover now