28. How He Gets Your Attention

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Harry: he is unusual with his method, he takes a few balloons and brings them to you. then jumps on all of them making you scream out of horror, because everytime he wants your attention is when you completely zoned out so you never know what's going on until he wakes you up with the loud "POP!"

Ron: oh he's vocal about it. "y/n look at me" "y/n answer me" "y/n stop reading" "y/n are you listening to me?" "y/n why aren't you listening to me??". like, come on! a girl [or a boy! I don't discriminate! a/n] needs her quiet time!

Draco: "cuddle with me?" "no response?" "pweeeaase!" "y/n for Merlin's beard!" and with that you went up to him with a 'god help' look "love you really couldn't live without me for 5 minutes?" you laugh "it's not that I couldn't. I simply don't want to" and you two cuddled for the rest of the day

George: ehh, he is a prankster after all, I mean, what do you expect. of course he has to throw a bit of comedy inside. he gets toilet paper and puts it around all of your books like at least once a week. it became more of a code, like "i have something on my mind, need to talk" kinda thing

Fred: his "ways" of getting your attention are the most disgusting out of all of the boys here. he grabs a sock, YES A SOCK, (a stinky one, I'd like to point out) and throws it at your head. ohh he gets the attention. and laughs. from his twin and himself only!

Neville: he wasn't so bad with getting your attention, he was just so repetitive... oh my. "do you have some time to talk?" was what you heard from him over and over. by a hundredth time you gave up and listened to him even though you were exhausted

Oliver: ughhh... little Oliver-Boy likes to tickle which is just... you know? like, I get it. you want attention, but might as well just ask for it, which he could, obviously, but he finds it incredibly adorable when you laugh

A/N I'm sick now, so I just lay in bed and try not to throw up (doing good! proud of myself! -.-) so I thought I might write something since I have some time c:

hope you enjoy! linie xox

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