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"Emmy!" I turn around seeing my best friend Amy run to catch up with me. "Hey what's the rush?" I ask "the basketball game is tomorrow and I know you're playing so you need to go home,to rest seeing that you're the only girl on the team and star,I need to make extra cute posters, so you will be going home alone" I groan "seriously,the day I'm on my period, I have to walk 5miles?" She giggled "girl you just have to bend the corner and then home sweet home" I laughed "I know,but you know me girl,walking ain't my call" she roll her eyes "then....buy a car" I stop at the classroom door "I'll see you at lunch ,oh and try not to piss of Kyle" (Amy's boyfriend) "you need to get yourself laid" I smiled and open the door "girl,bye" I then went to class.
"Hey babe" I exclaimed as I sat at the lunch table beside Amy making her in between Kyle and I "hey...get your own girl" Kyle say as he took out a fry out of my plate "I found A first" the three of us have been friends.... let's say from birth...I mean mom,Vanessa and Eve have been best friends. I always knew about the two idiot's crush on each other, so I advised them to just express it and that's how they're here as a happy couple.

I felt someone's gaze on me,I followed my instincts and look at the popular table,I saw the grey steel eyes of Evan Gonzalez looking at me,as soon as he met my eyes he smirked.

I quickly turn around and look at the guys who were feeding other. "Eww guys knock it off" the laughed and just continue acting like I wasn't there.
Thanks to Amy I'm walking all by myself going home. "Look what we have here" I look up to see a bald and large belly man "what do you want?" I ask rather rudely "now is that anyway to talk to a stranger?" I roll my eyes.

I then felt my back hit a wall I didn't even know there was wall around this place.. oh well.

"Now listen up,I don't care if you're feisty or not,I'm going to teach you a lesson" he say through his teeth, I scoff "I've heard that once or twice,and by that I mean a million times,and yet still that shit doesn't rock me" I then felt a sting on my cheek,I look at the man thank you Amy,I swear if I die I'm going to haunt yo ass off I was taken aback when some pull the man off me and knock him out with one blow.

I then recognize who it was "you OK?" I took up my bag and started to get nervous "y-yeah I'm f-fine" seriously now he's going to figure out that you're afraid of him you dimwit.

He chuckled boy if you call a Calvin Klein model sexy, then what is this....damn you hormones,damn you.

"I don't bite" I look up at him "sorry,but I have nothing to pay you for what you did for me" he took a step closer,he lean in and whispered "don't,worry because now...let's just say you're mine"

HOLY STRAWBERRY,CHERRY AND CRANBERRY!! I gulped "w-what do you mean?" He kiss my cheek.... "you're now my possession"

Did I add cranberry to my little line up top???!



I luv u all❤💌

Becoming Mr Badboy's Possession (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now