Typical Things on Wattpad

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A short story about all the typical things that happen in a Wattpad story!


I just want to share typical things that happen in books that become super popular!

Plus, you'd actually have a read a couple hundred books (yes, ive actually read a couple hundred Wattpad books) to pick out things that are typical!!

IT IS NOT A BAD THING THAT THESE THINGS I WILL LIST HAPPENS A LOT IN STORIES BECAUSE IT IS THESE THINGS THAT MAKE US WANT TO READ A STORY. Even I still read bad boy+ good girl stories even though I've read 30 of them. The thing is, we Are suckers for these stories!

Ok, here are typical things on Wattpad!



1. The main character believes she's the ugliest thing in the world yet she gets the hottest guy in the whole school to fall in love with her.

2. Messy buns are the shit. No more nice tamed hair just messy buns all day everyday!

3. The main character is always nerdy and innocent or a badass who has piercings and tattoos... WHAT ABOUT US NORMAL KIDS HUH?!! WHY DONT YOU WRITE A STORY ABOUT US KIDS THAT ARNT NERDY OR A BADASS?!

4. The main character's family is either filthy rich or stinking poor. Like middle class doesn't even exist anymore.

5. The main character always falls in the love the boy she says she hates.

6. The parents in the story are either abusive or too nice.

7. Food addiction. Someone is always addicted to some food either chocolate, cake, twinkie, pickles etc.

8. They always get drunk! In every story the author MUST include a scene where the main character is drunk!

9. Someone is always trying to get into the main character's pants at a party and the "bad boy" saves her.

10. Bad boys. No average boys, they must be bad in order for them to be in a watt pad story. They also must box, fight, or do drugs!

11. If he's not a bad boy he's a mysterious loner who is sexy and no one approaches... except the main character and he "surprisingly" doesn't turn cold on her. He becomes all flirty. If someone were to be as much as a loner as these boys are, there's no way they can flirt like that.

12. There's always a secret! Either he's been abused, neglected, an ex-gf that died because of him.

13. They always have witty comebacks for everything! Like dayamm if I could carry on a convo with witty remarks I'd be popular!

14. Good girls who turn bad because someone screwed with their heart.

15. Turned from ugly potato to drop dead gorgeous as soon as the main character gets a new wardrobe.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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