Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I growled in annoyance. "Leave me alone," I snapped at Hayden behind me. "I'm so close to slicing your throat with my claws." I turned to narrow my eyes at the wolf behind me for a once, quickly getting furious.

For the past few hours, he had been following me around everyone, as if he was watching over me. I didn't need him to be watching over me, someone might have to look after him if he continues—I've ready to wring necks.

"Like you could do that." H scoffed, a smirk stretching on his face, something I had seen in a while. My eyes widened slyly at his newfound confidence to talk to me, trying to crack jokes with me like I was going to entertain it.

"I almost did, didn't I?" I brought up, my mind flashing back at the incident between Natalia and I—almost slashing Lane and Hayden dead. If I had lashed their necks harder then they were have bled out, thankfully I hadn't done too deep and both wolves managed to heal.

Despite the hatred I held for both of them, I didn't wish for them to die. I didn't know what that would do to my wolf, losing both our mate and our brother—that would surely send her over the edge. Even after everything that happened between us all, deep down my wolf still loved them both and their wolves loved us back, despite what their human side believes.

Hayden followed me through the upstairs and I paused when I made it to the top floor, spinning on the stairs to face him—so close I almost fell and pushed him with me.

That would have been embarrassing.

Hayden's eyes widened, looking at me in shock before I spoke. "You aren't allowed on this floor. This floor is only for higher tier members of the pack."

"I'm an Alpha." He spoke pointedly.

"You barely have a pack to be an Alpha to, so give it a rest." I rolled my eyes before turning away and walking into the living room, plopping on the couch. It was obvious that Hayden wasn't going to go anywhere and I didn't have the energy to do anything about it.

Plus, my wolf seemed to enjoy getting so near our mate and while that irritated me it warmed me slightly knowing that my wolf was content at the moment.

After leaving the Midnight Forrest pack, while my wolf was elated that we were finally leaving that wretched pack, we were leaving behind the man we were destined to be with and that broke my wolf—one of the reasons that I was so ready to leave this world after running from the pack was due to the fact that I didn't have my wolf as company like other rogues.

After running, my wolf withered away in the back of my head and left me all alone, maybe as a punishment for leaving my other half however my wolf couldn't understand that Hayden had already left me, rejecting our destined love before it even began.

It took weeks for my wolf to come back, and even though she did, she was never completely content with what was happening. The only time, since leaving, that my wolf was happy was the second we laid eyes on Hayden the day he came to the Golden Redemption pack.

Hayden sat next to me and while I chose to ignore his eye, I could tell from the corner of my eye that he hadn't stopped looking at me. After what seemed like endless minutes I let out a little growl, snapping my head to look Hayden in the eyes.

"What?" I snapped, gritting my teeth. I couldn't even relax in my own home.

Hayden didn't stop looking at me and I noticed that there was some sort of debate in his eyes, causing me to furrow my brows together as I awaited his response.

"What happened to you?" His husky voice was almost a whisper, and it was strange to hear someone with such authority and power sound so—well, so weak.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean 'what happened'? Life happened, I grew up." I scoffed, looking away from him which caused my wolf to whine, she liked the eye contact.

"Did I do this to you?" I turned to look at him away to see him with a look for despair and disbelief in his eyes. Did he do this to me? Yes, but I was never going to admit it.

I rolled my eyes. "Get over yourself." I scoffed before looking away. "I've told you, you're nothing to me, Hayden."

"That's a lie." I growled lowly at his response.

"Have respect, you have a mate."

"Yeah, yo—"

"Natalia is your mate," I cut him off, sitting up straight in annoyance as I faced him straight on. "You—" I pointed my finger at him. "—chose what you wanted and you chose Natalia," I spoke clear. "You made your bed, now lie in it."

Hayden breathed heavily, trying to keep his cool. I knew that raising my voice—even slightly—at him was raise a reaction by him but it was clear that he was trying to hold back.

"I'm just wondering," I added, Hayden's head tilted slightly as he waited for me to finish. "Why doesn't she smell like a Luna, if she's your chosen mate?"

When someone chooses a mate, after the mark and the mating ritual, their scents are mixed together and depending on the status of your wolf, that also affects your scent. If Natalia was a Luna, regardless of whether or not she was destined or chosen, she would smell of a Luna much like Nicole and Hayden's mother.

"I've never marked her, she's not the official Luna." My head snapped to him, my mouth let ajar as my brows furrowed together.

"But she said she's the Luna?" Hayden scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"She says that because she likes the sound of it, but everyone knows she isn't Luna material nor will she ever be." He sounded as if he didn't even like her himself.

"Why do you even let her though?"

He shrugged, avoiding my eye. "I like the company, it's lonely being the Alpha all by yourself." Whose fault is that?

Before I could respond, a pack member ran through the living room, their eyes landing on Hayden and I on the couch.

His breath was staggered, he clearly had been running a long while. Finally, he caught his breath, the word coming out of his mouth almost regretful;


My eyes widened as both Hayden and I launched ourselves off of the couch, racing to the woods outside of the garden.

The sight in front of me was overwhelming, however not in a horrifying way. There were rogues already dead on the floor—most of them happened to be dead on the floor with only around ten of them left and still fighting.

It confused me as I looked around, it seemed as if they weren't even trying as they fight. Many of the pack members hadn't even shifted as they fight and killed the rogues with ease, the rogues basically running to get their necks snapped.

I felt myself freeze when I realised what was going on in front of me.

It was a warning.

The rogues clearly had no training and they weren't any match of this pack, they knew that. From the corner of my eye I noticed a single rogue speeding my way however before he could get to be, he launched up completely missing me. When I turned, I noticed that the wolf was actually aiming for Hayden, it rogue growling as it attacked the unexpecting Alpha.

Obviously Hayden had no trouble throwing the rogue off, however watching the rogue attempt to attack Hayden in any way—for some reason—sent my wolf in a fit of rage. The mate bond between us had been growing with how close we were recently, despite myself wanting differently.

In a pit of rage, I charged at the rogue before Hayden could do anything—ripping its head off without a second thought, before kicking the loose head in the air like a rugby ball.

Another rogue charged in my direction and whether or not It was going for me, I wouldn't know because my vision suddenly blurred again, red filling my vision. This feeling was quickly becoming a regular occurrence.

My wolf howled, I felt her stir within me—even she didn't know what was happened and it put fear in both of us. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't take control, I couldn't even see anything.

My vision was red and all I could hear was howls—it was as if I was blocked out from everything. And then—

--everything went black.

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