Kyan Kito is a young 16 year old girl. She lives with her twin brother Micah and adopted parents. Her real parents died in a fatal fire. After there parents died they were placed into Foster Care. They were all adopted but by different people. Kyan...
Kyan Pov BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- SHUT UP ALARM CLOCK!!!!! * throws it against the wall and it shatters* * arai and micah come running in * Arai: KY ARE YOU OKAY Kyan: Yeah why? Micah;: we heard a shattering noise James pov Ding dong I opened the door to see 7 boys that I had seen earlier one said Tamaki: Hello again sir James: Hello may i ask what you bring you here? Hani~senpai: We came to Ky,Mic and Arai~Chan! James; Oh OK I think There in the training Room. Its down the hall and to the left 3rd person pov They walked down the hall and opened a door and it revealed a gym and a yelling Micah and Kyan sitting on the ceiling and Arai seeking up behind Micah. Arai Put his over Micah's Mouth and Micah flipped Arai over him. Kyan jumped down from the ceiling and ran over to Arai. You could see the guilt in Micah's face he ran over to Arai. They helped him up. Kyan said in english ( the host club * Mori and Hunny can understand English* couldn't understand) "micah quick get me the first aid kit" Micah got the first aid kit. Kyan pulled up Arai he had scars on his back. The host clubs faces went into shock mode. Tamaki yelled " WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DEAR SONS BACK!!!!!" Arai quickly put on his shirt and punched Tamaki in the face and Knoked him out. Arais eyes turned a deep crimson and he yelled WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!!!!!! he turned around and faced a wall and he yelled ARHH! and he punched the wall breaking the brick and leaving a hole. James and Kelly ran in the room and saw Tamaki knoked out and the hole in the wall and a VERY angry Arai All james said "Arai what did we say about making holes in the walls." Arai repied " I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THAT THEY ARE HERE AND THEY KNOW THERE GONNA BLAB ABOUT IT AND THEN THEY WILL COME AND IT WILL BE Nightmare ALL OVER AGAIN AND I CANT LIVE Thought THAT AGAIN!!! NOT AGAIN! Arai kept punching the wall repeatedly. then Tamaki woke up and saw arai punching the wall. He said MY DEAR SON WHY ARE YOU PUNCHING THE WALL YOU ARE GOING TO HURT YOURSELF.
ARAI: I DONT GIVE A FUCK. YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT KYAN: JAMES GET HIS MEDS JAMES: ON IT KYAN: MICAH 3...2....1 * THEY TACKLE ARAI* KYAN: KELLY NOW * kelly puts an oxagyn mask on arai* KYAN: JAMES WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!! WE CANT KEEP HIM DOWN FOREVER!! jAMES: IM HERE * puts a syringe in Arai's arm and injects a liquid n to arai*
Arai calms down immediately and falls asleep. Kyan picks him up off the floor( Arai is very light) and said "Mori can you carry Arai ill lead you to him room. mori carry's him to his room
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On one wall there is a very large hole. Kyan pulled the cover up. Arai started to move at one point he flinched.Arai woke up panting. Kyan hugged him. and sung a song PLAY LE VIDEO after kyan sang Arai fell back asleep. Kyan said " You can stay in here if you want we dont really sleep well or at all. we maybe get 2 hours of sleep or we get nightmares so if he wakes up and doesnt go back to sleep dont worry cause he normally goes to the music room. Me and Micah also go there so dont worry at all ok" Just know we are safe ok Takashi" She left the room. ___________________________________ CLIFFHANGER OK DONT KILL ME CAUSE IF YOU DO YOU WONT BE ABLE TO GET THE NEXT CHAPTER.