Chapter One: Hey, I'm Claire

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Today was Monday and apparently that wasn't enough since classes started today. It was twelve in the afternoon which meant I was getting lunch, after walking around the campus for a while and not finding anywhere to eat I gave up and decided I would have to go off campus if I wanted to get something for my tummy. I started walking to the exit but never made it since I tripped thanks to someone getting in the way unexpectedly .

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Said the girl extending her hand helping me get up.

"It's okay, don't worry" I said accepting the help.

"Hi. I'm Blair" said the beautiful girl in front of me.

She was pretty tall, not Carol tall but still tall. Maybe something like 5'8. She had a slim figure -model type- and her sparkly blue eyes seem sincere. Her hair was like a light brown and her full lips would make any girl jealous.

"Hey, I'm Claire" I replied with a smile.

"I'm new here, do you have any idea if there's a cafeteria on campus?" she asked nicely.

"Turns out I'm new too so I honestly have no idea. I did look but couldn't find anything so I just gave up and decided to look for something off campus."

"Haha well that's a good idea, mind if I join you?" She asked with pleading eyes.

" Haha no, I don't mind!"

We walk for a while and finally decided to stop at McDonald's. I ordered a MC chicken jr and she ordered a Big Mc. She surely didn't seem like a girl with a big appetite but they do say "never judge a book by its cover".

"Gosh I haven't had one of these in ages." she said while taking a big bite.

"Really? Are you on a diet or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, kinda. I work as a model so they kinda need me to stay healthy and stuff. But I love burgers too much haha."

" A model? Well that has to be cool"

"Yeah it's nice but exhausting tho." she said, taking another bite.

" So what are you studying?"

"Photography, guess that after working for so long with cameras a began to fall in love with them haha" she explained.

"Oh well that's pretty cool" I said while eating my french fries.

"Yeah it is, and you?"

"Fashion designing" I replied with a smile.

"Well that's awesome, hope I can model one of your designs someday haha"

"That would be awesome!"

Three months later:

"Is it supposed to be this hot here on mid November?" I ask while putting my shorts on.

" Well it is California after all" replied Blair.

"I see your point haha"

" Hurry up we are going to be late" she said pushing me through the door.

"Okay okaaay"

"Where's Carol, anyways?"

"I don't know but I am certainly not going to complain"

"Haha she's so mean and creepy"

"I knooow. Last week she said I was annoying just because I was reading. And later that night I woke up because of a nightmare and a swear she was staring at me with an evil grin haha"

"Drama queen" she said while poking me.

" Haha whatever"

Blair and I had became instant friends since our first day on campus. She was super funny and really great to be around. Plus pretty sweet. Turns out she is load with money so she doesn't stay on the university's housing. She has her own apartment which is like fifteen minutes away. Lucky girl, I guess. Every morning she comes to my room to wake me up so we can go together to our classes. We do share a couple of classes. Thank God.

" I need to find a job" I said breaking the silence.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked worried.

"Well the money my parents send me barely pays the rent of the housing and even tho I do have a few internships they do not pay everything. I can only buy a few things for me besides food."

My parents are not rich, I am lucky just by being here, but I couldn't help to maybe want a little more clothes. So if I had to work my butt off I would.

"You know I can loan you money Claire"

"No, I don't feel comfortable with that" I replied honestly.

"You should find a cheaper apartment. I honestly think they are robbing you with that housing rent."

"I know, I've look but I can't find anything"

"Well I do know a place that has two extra rooms, and it would be way cheaper."

"Really? Can you give me the number of the place or something?" I asked surprise by that.

"I can Give you the name. It's Blair Bernard" She said excited.

" Wait, what?" I asked confused.

Hey, if there is someone reading this please leave a comment so I'll know if you like it haha. The one in the picture is Claire. Played by Zoey Deutch. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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