The Mission to find (Y/n)-chan!

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~Soul eater~Maka Pov

          "Maka! Why we have to go toward (y/n)-chan's place!" Soul asked "Yeah,Maka you never tell us about any of this!" Black Star said "I have a feeling that (y/n)-chan left something behind for us" I said as Everyone looked at me confused "What do you mean by that?" Kid asked.I sighed "Just thinking about it,if (y/n)-chan disappeared like before,she must left something for us to find out the answers ourselves" i said as we arrive at (y/n)-chan's place."Maka,i don't think it's a good idea.." Tsubaki said but i already kick the door "Wow! It's still look new even though it's been a month!" Liz said "Everyone! Start looking for something that we never seen it before!" I yelled as Everyone start looking around the house.Black Star and Tsubaki went toward the living room,Kid,Liz and Patty went toward the kitchen and the diner room, Me and Soul went toward (y/n)-chan's room. I opened the door that leads to (y/n)-chan's room and saw that everything was clean and new "Soul,you will look at (y/n)-chan's bed while i will look toward the closet" i said as Soul nodded as responce.I went toward (y/n)-chan's closet and opened it,i looked though her clother until something in the corner of the closest catch my eyes.

        "Huh? What's this?" I asked as i picked up a ball made of crystal and a pink noted fell toward the ground as i picked up the noted and something was write on it.

Crystal ball awaken from your slumber as i'm the ruler of The Universe,take my single drop of tears as a gift! Now heard my order awaken from your slumber!

"Guys! I find it!" I shouted as Everyone come toward me "What?! Did you find something?!" Black Star yelled as i just nodded my head "Maka? What is that thing?" Tsubaki asked as she looked toward the crystal ball in my palm "I think (y/n)-chan called it as 'crystal ball' or something" i said "Huh? A crystal ball? Hey! Sis what's a crystal ball?" Patty asked her twin sister."I don't know" Liz sighed "I think we should head toward the living room and have a closet look at it" Kid said as We all nodded. We went toward the living room and Everyone sat on the couch "Okay,is everyone ready?" I asked as they just nodded.I take a deep breathed as i read the pink noted out loud "Crystal ball awaken from your slumber as i'm the ruler of The Universe,take my single drop of tears as a gift! Now heard my order awaken from your slumber!" I yelled as a single drop of my tears and touch the crystal ball then a voice come out of no where spoke "Miss (y/n)! Diana at your service!" I almost jumped from my sit "Wait! Who are you?! And what have you done to Princess (Y/n)!" The voice named Diana said with a anger in her voice.i looked closer at the crystal ball and saw a girl with short black hair and dark blue eyes "Huh? Wait?! What! (Y/n) is a Princess?!" Patty shouted "Yes!,She is the Princess of the Celestial Spirit and the Legion Spirit!" Diana said as Everyone in the room were confused "What's Celestial Spirit and Legion Spirit?" Kid asked.

       "Celestial Spirits are magical beings from their own separate universe as known as the Celestial Spirit World and Legion Spirit are also magical beings but They are Legend Spirit and Super Rare Spirit from Celestial Spirit and from their own separate universe as known as the Legion Spirit World" Diana explained "Then how came that (y/n)-chan is the Princess of Both Spirit World?" Liz asked as Diana sighed "Her Adopted Father as known as The Celestial Spirit King take her to the Celestial Spirit World after Her Foster Father and Mother as known as The King and Queen of Dragon have leave her behind while she was 7 year old and The Celestial Spirit King Adopted her as His Daughter and that made her the Celestial Spirit Princess" Diana said "How about the Legion Spirit World?" Tsubaki asked politely "Princess (Y/n) have created a new Spirit World separate from the Celestial Spirit World by her own power" Diana said 'Wow! (Y/n)-chan can created a World just by her own power' i thought."Now What have you all done to Princess (Y/n)!" Diana shouted once again "Calm down! We are (y/n)'s friends" i said as i try to calm down Diana as she have a shocked look on her face "Y-You all are Princess (y/n)'s friends?" Diana asked as We nodded our head."I'm s-so sorry about my manner" Diana said "No it's okay Diana" i said "Then i will make it up for you all,i will granted your requests" Diana said then a idea pop up in my mind "Diana,if i may ask can you find (y/n)-chan and where she is now?" I asked as Diana have a smiled on her face "of course! just wait for a second" Diana said as a light surrounded the crystal ball.After a second,Diana was no longer on the screen but a scene of a girl with (H/l)(H/c) hair in a yukata "if you all want a pillow fight all will regret this...." the girl mumbled as she slowly stood up "YOU ALL WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!" She screamed as She trowed the pillows everyway around the room "We're sorry (Y/n)!!!!!" Three people shouted as they try to dodged the pillows toward them "Wait! That is (Y/n)-chan?!" Soul yelled.

         "Wow! I never seen (y/n)-chan like this before!" Black Star shouted as i looked at the crystal ball once again "Diana,How can we go to that place that where (y/n)-chan is?" I asked as Diana was back on the screen "Well, To tell you the trust but Princess (Y/n) in another world but her real world that she was born to the world" Diana said.As Everyone were confused "if that (y/n)-chan's real world then how come that she was in our world?" Kid asked "Princess (Y/n) have a special bracelets from her foster Parents as a gift and one of the bracelets as known as the silver bracelet have the power to teleport to another world but it's only last for a few month" Diana explained."Then can we teleport ourselver to that world?" I asked "Yes,but without Princess (Y/n)'s bracelets but there only one way you all can teleport ourselver to that world" Diana said as Everyone looked at each other confused "What it's then?" Liz asked "You all have to give me some of your hair" Diana said as Everyone have a shocked look on their face and yelled "WHAT?!"."But Why our's hair?!" Liz asked "Because you all have to if you all want to teleport yourself to that world!" Diana yelled.After a while,Everyone have cut their hair a little and give to Diana "Okay! Are you all ready!" Diana shouted as we nodded.  "Power of the Universe,leaned me your power and Send 7 of this people toward Princess (Y/n)'s location now!" Diana shouted as Light surrounded us.The Light became brighty that we have to closed our eyes to block it.After a while,i opened my eyes and saw that i was laying on the ground as i slowly sat up then i saw Soul,Black Star,Tsubaki,Kid,Liz and Patty were laying on the ground as they slowly sat up "What happened?" Tsubaki asked then i heared a girl's screamed "NATSU,GRAY,ERZA!! YOU THREE GET BACK HERE NOW!!!!!"."Guys,i think that (y/n)-chan's voice!" Patty said as she stood up and ran toward the voice "Wait for us! Patty!" Liz yelled as we all went after her.Then we saw (y/n)-chan trowed the pillows toward three people "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS PILLOW FIGHT OF YOUR!!!!" (Y/n)-chan screamed "We're sorry!!!!" They shouted.We stood there confused for a while until (Y/n)-chan noticed us as we were standing there shocked as (y/n)-chan wide her (E/c) eyes as the pillow fell to the ground as Patty was waving her hand "Hey! (Y/n)-chan!" Patty shouted "W-What are the seven of you doing here?!!!" (Y/n) yelled.

(Y/n) Pov

         I was trowed the pillows everyway around the room until i felt that someone was staring at me as i turned toward the background and what i saw made me speechless.i wide my (E/c) eyes as the pillow that i was holding it fell to the ground as Patty was waving her hand "Hey! (Y/n)-chan" Patty shouted as Erza,Natsu,Gray,Lucy,Happy and Sky were looked at me confused "W-What are the seven of you doing here?!!!" I yelled."We were worried sick about you disappeared like that!" Liz shouted as Maka come running toward me "Don't leave us like that again!" Maka said as she hug me "Yeah!" Everyone said as they give me a hug."THIS IS IT'S ASYMMETRICAL!" Kid shouted as he looked around "Oh Kid! You never changed have you?!" I said as i give him a hug.i could have swoar that i saw a pink dust on his cheek."Um..(y/n) who are them?" Lucy asked.

         "They are my friends" i said as i looked toward Lucy and the other 'Huh? I could have swoar that Natsu and Gray looked kinda angry toward Kid?' I thought "Hey! My name is Patty Thompson" Patty said happily "My name is Liz Thompson" Liz said calmly "My name is Maka Albarn" Maka said politely "My name is Death The Kid" Kid said who was next to me "The name's Soul Eater Evans" Soul said "My name is Tsubaki Nakatsukasa" Tsubaki said politely "THE NAME'S THE ALMIGHTY BLACK STAR! WHO WILL SURPPASS GOD!" Black Star yelled. Lucy,Erza,Gray,Natsu,Happy and Sky were sweatdropped "Guys! did you met Diana?" I asked "Yes! She was the one who told us!" Patty said "(Y/n)? Who's Diana?" Sky and Happy said in unison as they pulled on my yukata "Wait! Those Cats can talked?!" Maka said with a shocked look on her face."Yeah! We can talk!" They said in unison "Um...(y/n)-chan? Why are you covered your *Cough*" Tsubaki said "Oh...i already ask them if they have a bigger yukata but...this is them biggest yukata they have" i said then i felt someone was staring at me as i turned around and saw Kid,Soul and Black Star were blushed madly as i followed their gaze then i blushed "H-Hey! Stop looking you three!!!" I screamed as i covered my chest."AHA i know you three have a huge crush on (y/n)-chan!~""Liz smirked at three boys "NO!!! WE DON'T!!!!" The boys yelled in unison "Well,i think we all should rest for tonight" Erza said as we all nodded as responce.Everyone went toward their room.

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