The magic of music

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„ I lived in a very small room, I can't even call it a flat. The room was so small, there was just space for an old bed, a not that big wardrobe, a small desk and a little niche with a sink. I had to share a bathroom with 5 other employees. An old lady worked 30 years for the Jeffersons already. They're a very rich family in Los Angeles. She was very nice and friendly to me. The other employees weren't that nice, they didn't even noticed me. Mr and Mrs Jefferson were very very rich people, but they were fair to me and I needed money. The oldest son, Sir Adam was a great man. Very pretty and polite, I liked him from the beginning. But the little twins, Henry and Cindy were horrible and spoiled. The problem was, I was their Nanni, so they could do nearly everything with me. One time, I was in their walk- in- wardrobe, they slinked in the room and locked up the door. Than they ran away and told Mrs Jefferson I'm sick. I shouted 4 hours until the old lady found me and in the wardrobe. But I did my best always and was nice to them.I worked there a few months already, until one day Sir Adams came in my room around 9pm, I just brought the kids to bed. I was really scared when he came in, I thought he was mad at me because I did something wrong. My heart was beating faster than before. He was so perfect, his eyes were dark brown, like chocolate and his hair too. I swear he was the best looking guy in the world. „ Have I done something wrong Sir Adam?", I asked. „ No, Miss Lucy, I'm here because you're never doing something wrong, because you're nearly perfect ", he said mysterious. Than he came closer and kissed me. I was so shocked, I fall over on my bed. He kissed me so legendary, it was so wonderful, but I hold in and detained him. „ That can't work, I can't be your one night stand, I'll lose my job because of you!", I whispered. „ I love you Lucy, you're ways more for me than a one night stand, what if this would be our secret?", he asked.

He visited me every night, I waited for this moment the hole day, our love was so big and every night wonderful. And no one realized anything, I was so relieved.

But one day in December, the old lady and me made cookies for Christmas, she looked at me and asked: „Lucy, are my eyes getting worse or could it be that you got bigger? You had always a great skinny figure but now, I don't know...." I thought the worst and ran into the bathroom. I looked at my tummy, she was right, I was bigger than before. But I ate normal... The old lady came in. „ Let me see", she pressed her hands on my tummy, „ Lucy, can it be possible that you're pregnant?" Everything got black and I fall in pain.

I woke up in my bed, I remembered what happened. I was pregnant from Sir Adam. I packed my bags as fast as I could and ran out of the house. I went to the first underground station and drove to my parents. I knew I could abort the baby, but I just couldn't, I started loving it because it was the rest of a wonderful time of my life. I stayed there a few months. Sir Adam came one time, but when he saw my baby tummy he started at me, turned around and left. He was such an ass hole. I cried the hole day, I was angry at me and him....

The day came when I got birth pangs, but it was ways too early. I drove to the hospital. I was so afraid that something could happen to the baby, I cried and screamed because of the hurt.

The birth was over, my baby laid in my arms, it was a little girl, I called her Catherine. But she had to stay in the hospital, because she came 4 weeks earlier than usual. The hospital was horrible, the doctors wasn't nice to me and the location looked more like a place to die than a place for babies. So I searched in the Internet for a better one. And we moved into the Children's hospital Los Angeles. A hospital with music, I loved music always and I thought that could be good for Catherine and me.

It was a great time in the new hospital, I shared a big room with other moms and their kids and they were all very nice. We went to the music program every second day. I could see Catherine just one time at a day, she wasn't strong enough to be outside.

After one week Catherine got a horrible pneumonia, the doctors wasn't sure if she would get over it or not. I couldn't sleep anymore, I thought about how I could help her. Than I had an idea. Why am I in a music hospital? I asked myself. So I lent me a guitar,  played and sang for her every day a few hours. I just sat in front of her bed, sang, played and watched her. A while ago and I wrote a song while I sat there. A song about a mother who can't take her baby home, a song about Catherine and me. On a Saturday, around lunch time, someone knocked on the door quietly. I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was you, Katy Perry and you came in, sat down next to me and we sang my song together", I told her, „That's our story." I looked at you and I saw you're crying. I hugged you. In that moment Catherine started crying and I laid her in my arms. „ Oh my god! The fever is away!", I whispered. „ That's the magic of music", you said.

For my wonderful reader Olivia, happy birthday!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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