Name: Frecklez
Age: 12
B-day: March 11
attitude: Happy, Relaxed, EXCITED, and creepy
Hair colour: light brown with turquoise high light
Eye colour: Brown but blue contacts
weight: 32kg
height: 6" 2
Likes: Sunny (why?!) and almost anything
Hates: School
Fear: Swagilicious (sometimes), Kit Kat, (usually cus frecklez is dumb), and IGGy
clothing: Frecklez wears a orange t- shirt and some knee high overalls over. she wears black slip-ons and she has a small chubby ponytail. when she is in home she literally wear her comfy pjs with messed up hair. Sometimes frecklez wears a bun and a sleeveless ankle high pink dress (update) the sleeves arent exactly sleeveless, ill show u later
School: Yateley School in England
Year: Year 8
chapter created by benjamin. no changing without permission.