"Um Adam...." Jason say to Adam looking at the Team Crafted
"Yeah?" Adam say really starred
"Can you get everyone?"
"But half of the Team is somewhere else."
"Ok go get Ty he here."
Ty comes thorth the door.
"Ty,Adam there is only 100 subsrvers in Team Crafted and the diusson is like this....
"I want Sato back!!!!!" and "Team Crafted used to be funnily but now they just want money!!!!!" And that so on to owes channel"
"THAT NOT TRUE!!!!!" Adam started to serum and Ty try to get a excuse out of it.
"Can we could just go back in time?"
"That's is a great idea!!!!!"
Ty was very confused about going back in time until Adam pull out a old blue box than a brown pony with a hourglass for a ciuemark.
"Why Hello! I'm the doctor!"
"Doctor who?"
"I'm just the doctor!"
"And this is my tertis."
Ty said with a confusion on his face.