Chapter 17

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Nana's pov:

               As usual weekdays,boring schools.These days Jinyoung didn't talk to me much. I don't know why  but it's better in a way because if talk with me like usual I would be more embarrassed.Because of that assignment I had work more because of those two  stupids Jimin and Jungkook. But me and Youngjae became friends.He helped me doing assignment and we became close.I came to know a lot about Jinyoung through him.He even take me to his dorm.But when I went there Jinyoung was not there. Other Got7 members are also so friendly, especially Jackson, Bambam  and Yugyeom. Jackson is just like Jongin, I think he is worse than him.But I don't know why Jinyoung is avoiding me these days. I know I wouldn't give him a proper answer, but I kinda miss him.These days lunch breaks are lonely for me without him. Now I'm on my way to the rooftop, because it's lunch break. When I'm about to open the door,I heard voices and someone coughing. I gently open the door and there I see Jimin and Jungkook smoking and coughing. I watch them silently.

Hyung, I told you to not try this, now see I'm coughing because of you, Jungkook said.

Just keep trying it. You'll be alright if you keep smoking, Jimin said.

Suddenly an idea flashed in my mind. I take out my phone and shoot them smoking. I go to them.

Are you two smoking here?,I asked them.

So what?,Jimin asked.Don't ever  try to complaint about us to the principal, he said.

I will try, I said showing the video to them.

Yaaahhh, Neo..., they panicked.

What about me?,I asked with a smirk.

Suddenly Jungkook snatched my phone from my hand.

Don't try to delete it, It's no use, I already send it to my friend,I lied.I snatched back my phone from him.

What do you want?,Jimin asked.

Just don't disturb me and do your respective works or else, I said

Whaaat?, do you want us to do our assignment by ourselves. We already told you that we won't do any assignments, Jimin said.

Ok then, do whatever you want, I'll just show this video to principal, I said.

Hyung, we have to do this, we don't have any other choice, we just got trapped, Jungkook said.

Aiiiish, Jimin cursed. Ok we will try, he said.

Kay, I aslo try to not show this to principal, I said.

Ok, we will do our assignment by ourselves, I this fine?,Jimin asked.

That's nice, just start doing your assingments, I said patting their shoulders before I left there.

There is still half-an-hour remaining.So I decided to go to library.I walked through the library searching for the novel,'Far from the madding crowd' I found it and about to go back to the class but there I see Jinyoung walking towards me. He looks so handsome. As I see him I feel those butterflies in my stomach.He come near me and walk passed me.

Jinyoung-ah, I called him made him to stop.

What?,he asked turning around.

Why are you avoiding me these days?,I asked him.

Just...., you said that you need time. That's why I did so, he said.

What?,you ignored me for that, I asked.

I'm not ignored you, I just gave space to you, he said.

Don't ignore me for that, I asked you to give time for me to like. I don't asked to avoid me, I said.And I feel lonely without you, I said not looking his eyes.

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