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In my triumph, I decide to take another nap.

***Several hours later***



My head wobbles back and forth as I start to comprehend what I am listening to. I pull off my Beats as the song continues to blare on. I grimace, trying to find where the music is coming from. My body refuses to leave my warm dent in the bed, but the sheer volume of the music forces me to my feet.

Holding my head, I shuffle toward the source of the sound.

My speaker? How? My phone is going to my headphones.



My eyes and lips narrow as I open my phone. Two missed calls for Laurent.

This nigga...

I go into my Bluetooth setting, there's another Iphone 7 somewhere. I groan, walking to the door, yanking it open. The music stops.

"Took you long enough!" Laurent smirks as he strolls past me in his green rolled up overalls, black Jordan's, and grey Tom Ford sweat shirt. He plops down on my bed, throwing one leg up,"I told you to remember to turn off your speakers when you don't use them. That's why when you want to play something, it die in like two seconds," he lectures me, getting comfortable on my pillows.

"You could have just called me like a normal person," I breathe with an annoyed expression.

"Lar-ry, I called you twice! If you don't pick up the second time, you asleep. I don't call any-body more than twice," he iterates with all the emphasis.

"I watched you, yesterday, call mommy four times," I retort, holding four fingers at him as a push his leg off the bed and flop back into my now cold dent.

"That's mommy, though," he says nonchalantly, eyes glued to his phone.

"Uh huh," I roll my eyes,"What did you call me about anyway?"

"What you think? Lunch, my brother. The lunch that had you scream at our new assistent personal. You gone get after dinner," Laurent growls as he crawls onto my back, yanking my hair.

"Brother, you shouldn't do that for 2 reasons," I coo, turning my head so that I can smirk at him out of the corner of my eye,"I had lunch with her and I apologized to her! What do you say now, my brother?"

"Hmm... I'm.... very impressed," my brother purs while giving my a little shake,"You blew me off for a girl you dont even like. So impressed Larry," Laurent huffs slinking off of me.

"What?" I frown rolling over to see Laurent sitting hunch over, face in his hands,"I apologized like a man. You wanted to kill me earlier. I fixed it. Why you like this?" I whine through pouting lips.

"A bet she really enjoyed having lunch with you. Did she try anything?" Laurent asks me without moving.

"No! No. She really doesn't like me. She wants to call me 'Mr. Bourgeois' and she like a statue the whole time," I reassure him, nuzzling his hair. With an unconcious sniff, I jerk back,"Uhh, brother, your hair smells!" I lean back in to check again. The smell is fouly strong.

"What you mean?" Lau asks sharply, looking back as me,"you sure it isn't you?" He sneers, firmly grabbing my twists and lowering it to nose level. He releases me, grabbing his own twists and experiencing the same head jerking response to the odor,"Ahh, gross! Eh, I need to change my hair anyway. What about you, brother? Your hair is old too!" He says giving my hair another yank.

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