What to expect in the future

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So many things will happen in the future. It will get worse if we stay the way we are.

1.) Food shortages. The population with rapidly increase over the years by billions which means more carbon dioxide. More carbon dioxide means warmer weather. Warmer weather means nicer days but more rainy days. Now, you may be asking "why is that a bad thing?". Well people, if you didn't know crops are harder to grow in more moisture days.

But... don't forget the but. More people means more people that can work. Although food pricing will increase doesn't mean that's a definite. We might find a new planet to grow more plants and food.

This could eventually lead a pretty good future for humanity. If this can't be found we will have to find another way or a war may happen and the world could break down as we know it.

Bees are also dying.

2.) Fuel. Materials and minerals aren't infinite. Coal, fossil fuel, wood (charcoal), and oil are depleting every year. Cars will no longer work so we would have to use electric cars. Those are good but electricity will be rare. Electricity will be for the next one. This will probably not lead to a war but it will lead to riots or something bad.

Fuel is important to power machines and such stuff but on the bright side... no one will be ruined by games anymore, and less carbon dioxide!!!

3.) Bad weather. The population will rapidly rise. The weather will change to become warmer. And warmer. And warmer. Unless we start planting as much trees as we can. But since most people are selfish for money (I am too), they will make you pay money to save the environment.

4.) Electricity shortage. We will probably run low on electricity so we should have solar panels on our fucking roofs!!! Or windmills!!! We might as well start growing food in our backyards too... Well anyways, electricity will be a problem as it is now anyways. People will get mad and stuff would happen, yay? I guess?

5.) New diseases. Many diseases may come and go killing many people. Some diseases could affect crops or animals. This will lower the food supply and the population. Or a virus that could end the entire world!!!

6.) Meteorites. We have a defence system and we keep trying to make it better. Dinosaurs were killed by a huge meteorite and most dinosaurs went...extinct. If a star or planet came to crash into earth, we are screwed unless we have a way to make it not hit earth. We can also get another planet to live on to avoid this.

7.) Aliens. This one will be quite interesting. Those who think aliens are fake, well I can predict they are indeed real. Aliens you see are basically other beings out of our planet. Other human beings will be considered aliens if they are from another galaxy or something. Now, we have learned racism is bad and slavery is bad but maybe the other being have not learned these yet. They also could've already learned more than us. They could be in a planet that will end soon and start taking over ours!!! Yay!!!

They could also help us. They could have cures, food, and other things to save our fucking lives. But one person will be like "Fuck that we don't need your help!"And shit would go down. (What an asshole, I'm I right?)

8.) Volcanoes!!! Many volcanoes and earthquakes could affect many people's lives. A volcano in Yellowstone could erupt and might kill everyone in the US.

9.) Great Depression. The Great Depression happens when the economy is low on money. Which will probably happen since food prices will definitely go up and up and up. Mobs, riots, wars...

10.) Depression. Many people will not be happy and might go insane. Entertainment will still be a thing but if we are too low on electricity, count video games out. This could also lead to wars, suicide, and many more.

The Good Things!!!

1.) A new type of soil. A new type of soil could be found which any plant can live on. This will increase food and crops and farmers.

2.) New cures to diseases. We will most likely find a cure to many things. For example, many kids in Africa have genes that repel against HIV.

3.) We could find a new planet that will indeed save us. This new planet could contain new medicine, materials, and many more!!!

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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