Chapter 2

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We walk around the forest gardens still handcuffed together. We walk in total silence.
I notice that there are no birds chirping in the trees or any bugs flying around. I find that quite disturbing.
It's completely silent apart from the sound of our shoes and our breathing. I really wish there were some type of birds for me look at in the trees. Or animal like a monkey. At this moment I'm up for anything to see.
I'm the one to break the silence." Why isn't there any animals around? Or even bugs?"
"The king before your father didn't like the sound of animals in the mornings or nights so he had his slaves to get rid of them and put a barrier around the castle to stop them coming in." He says with out looking at me.
I didn't like the idea of a king like that. He must have had really bad issues. I hope I don't turn like that. I doubt it, I'm much more respective than that. we start to head back towards the castle. We start to hear all the other hunters but Mika is more conscious of not being found. We get to the gates with out being seen by any other Hunter.
" I have brought her back sir."Mika says loudly.
The guard nods towards the hand cuffs. Mika rummage through his pockets. His face drops and he goes white.
" I cant find the key. It's not in my pockets."
" what do you mean?" I know he has the key. He's really bad at acting." I'm not going to stay out here you're going to have to come with me until you find the key" I say being bratty.
I look at the guard and he opens the gates and two other guards follow us to the castle and into the throne room.
I sit In my throne and Mika sits in my dads throne like he belongs there. Our arms are bent over the chairs because the thrones ain't that close. The guards go to their posts at the two doors at each side of the room.
"Do you have the keys?"I ask.
None of the guards can hear us because of the barrier that keeps sound from my side getting out to the other side unless I want it to. One of the maids told me about this when I got here. My dad came up with it when he was still here so could have privacy in meetings.
"You know I do." We smile at each other. He doesn't look all that bad. He does look rather evil with his eye liner but if he took it off he would look really cute."how else would I get in?"
"Well it's rather good you haven't lost them because if you did loose them we wouldn't be able to go to the toilet." We burst out laughing "we are going to have to keep this up. When we do need to go to the toilet we will have to go in together but unlock the handcuffs and wait at the door." We laugh again.
"How long will keep this up?"He asks after the fit of laughter.
How long will it take them to figure out the lie? "How long do want to?" I ask him smugly.
"However long you want me." He say, his eyes softening. We gaze into each others eyes. His eyes turn completely black and his face morphs into a red creature with horns. His clothes rip as he grows bigger and larger into this creature. I scream as I lift off the ground still attached to him. He just keeps on growing and growing and growing until he reaches the ceiling of the room. The horn are gray and his body is a red blood colour and full muscle. He screeches and swings me around.
I feel myself drift into blackness. I wake up to complete destruction around me. The whole room is totally gone. To walls are rubble. The doors are no more. Mika is in a heap next to me unharmed thankfully. I have no memory of what happened. The guards are gone. There is nothing left of the room. Everything is dust or rubble.
Mika slurs awake. I turn to look at him and a pain erupts through my whole body. I cry out in pain.
Mika wakes up with a start. His face tells me just experienced the same pain. "Are you okay?" He asks through gritted teeth.
"I don't know. You know what happened?"I ask, head pounding.
"Yep. We turned into demons of the dead." He says sitting up.
"Your going to have to explain."
"There is one per generation of people. Once they come in contact the older generation demon dies. The thing is I killed him a week ago, also it's only men who have this. You are the same age as me and you're female, you go against all of our traditions. There should never be a female ruler or demon. What is it you are?" He asks with anger in his tone.
Silence. I take all this in.
3 minutes later.
10 minutes later.
1 hour later.
We both fell asleep.

We wake up to the sound of banging and chiming. The builders have half built the room to the way it used to be. I only now notice that the hand cuffs are gone. Finally, I didn't want to play along with it anymore. Not now,I want to learn more about this demon thing. Mikas sitting up looking at me lying on the floor. I lift my hand to my head and Mikas hand floats over to my head like it's still got the hand cuffs on it. We both have confused expressions.
"What?" I blurt.
"I don't know."he says staring at his wrist
"I know." A boy all in white walks through the hole in the wall that the builders are currently working on. I know that voice. I turn and standing next to me is Milo. I stand and so does Mika partly because he has to."I put them there permanently. You were causing such a destruction that the government of this horrid place had to call our army and their army to stop you two. We originally thought that it was two demons but they told us that already happened a while back and this was the queen and her friend. I put the chain spell and magically turns back to the way you were, none of us expected you two but you did. It looks like you two are in love in demon form so you two ain't going anywhere with out each other." Milo looks disgusted by this,but Mika has something different in mind.
"You don't look like you like that." He smiles but Milo gives him the evil eyes."I'll take that as a no. So why don't you leave us now. You have don't your job and thank you for that."
"I wish I could but I've been assigned to stay here and watch over you two." Milo says smugly.
"Oh well that's great Milo but me and Mika need to talk for a minute so could you leave the room?"I ask.
Milo bows to me then leaves.
"Okay so ... I'm confused a little. May you explained what's going on?"
"Well of course." Mika seems way too happy about this than I thought he would be." Your little puppy dog there chained us up with magical suppresses that keeps us from morphing. That means that we can't leave each other because that will break the chains and we will morf again. The chains work with love, if the people love each other they will lock them together until the love dies, which is never in our case."
We will never be able to leave each other. For some reason doesn't seem to bother me, what does is that milos back. What is he doing here acting like he owns the place? He broke up with me so he should be fine and I should be crying. He needs to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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