Chapter 2

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Bella's POV

school. 17 more days left and I'm free. But for 17 days I have to enjoy seeing Harry. I mean I broke up with him kinda technically. I said he could leave but it was the last time he would hear from me. So why do I care like hello. My parents left on a business trip to Florida for 5 weeks. So I'm home alone. Ugh.

I got into the shower and hopped put after 10 minutes. I wasn't sure what to wear and I wasn't up for impressing anyone, so I slipped on black vans, skinny jeans, & a big sweater. Cute but not classy. I blow dried my hair kinda in a hurry since my bus was pulling up in 15 minutes.

I put my hair in a messy bun & a little eyeliner on my lids. I had this weird aching feeling. Probably just cramps.


I walked into school and kinda looked around for Harry. I wanted to see him. But I actually didn't. I came upon my locker & switched the dial onto my numbers


I shut my locker with a slam after i grabbed my things. i had a good grip on them & I was looking for my calculator and I rammed into someone.
"oh my god I'm so sorry I was just- "
Harry. I looked up & saw Harry.

He didn't even say anything he just looked at me then kept walking. I mean it was truly an accident!

Harry's POV

I bet she tried it. I do. Last night is over just like us. It broke my heart. It did. I was devastated but I basically broke up with her. She was giving me a chance & I let it go. But for fucks sake she was being sucha bitch! Seriously! I mean it was a fight & what I did I feel was for the best. Actually it was for the best! All we ever did was complain & fight & makeup & hate & love. What the hell relationship is that? I love her. But we aren't compatible. But honestly, seriously, I believe she is my one & only love. I made a mistake. A big one.

Bella's POV

so I skipped lunch. who cares? I hung out in the bathroom like a cool kid right? No. A lame kid. I have so many friends & boys love me! But there's only one I want to love me. Harry Styles. His tender kisses. when he would lay beside me then turn me over and place kisses on my collarbone & my jawline. love bites were my favorite. he would get my sweet spot. making moans escape my lips in pleasure. He would smile when I moaned. He always laughed. He had that manly throaty laugh you know?

2 eleventh grade lovers. we were crazy about eachother. we were together off & on since the summer before eleventh grade. Thinking about us have me butterflies. But no. No no no. No butterflies. It's done & over. But I missed him. More than anything. But the real question is, did he miss me..?

okay I'm really sorry these are so short! Once I get votes & reads I promise they will be like way more than this! ((:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2013 ⏰

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