death to life

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       With all of my unknown discoveries I live. I won't bring the dead to life, but life will be gone as if the dead were living.  A life worth living is a life of family, but death is what all of are destiny is from beginning to end. All we  have to do is to live life to the fullest.

      All life can be is what we think in mind, so come with me to die In a blazeing fire. Death is among all of our squires. As I say keep your life close at death is at hand. Keep death close but life closer. When life has lost porous talk to your friends cause they can give you a better tomorrow.

      The better tomorrow is a bad today give life to who you believe deserves it. I say life would be worthless  if I didn't have my friends. Give peace give life to survive this horrible world. With all of my respects I will stay away.

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