Day 60

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DAY 60: What effects has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you?

Oh my goodness where do I start?

I think Harry Potter has really made me enjoy reading and maybe even helped me with my dyslexia. Story time: I used to really hate reading because I was never as fast as the other kids and couldn't keep up. I didn't understand why I had such a hard time reading until it was discovered that I had dyslexia. This just discouraged me even further to read and I would get in trouble at school for not doing my reading assignments.

One day, my brother left his Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone book out. I saw the cover and thought it looked pretty interesting. I remember taking the book and reading it in private. I was so engrossed with the story, I couldn't put it down. Once the book was finished, I was so desperate to go to the library (something I never used to do) and check out the next book. The books really made me enjoy reading and encouraged me to read more great books.

The more I read, the better I got at it and now, I don't mind reading out loud to people so much anymore and I don't get so discouraged about reading as easily. I can now say that I truly enjoy reading and I always thank the Harry Potter story for getting me interested in books in the first place and helping me with my dyslexia.

The story and its characters mean a lot to me because I grew up with the books. By the time I got into the movies, I think only the first four were out. I waited with a lot of anticipation for each movie to come out in the theaters. It was amazing to see my beloved characters I read about on the screen. The series means a lot to me because I could really relate to the characters and they encouraged me to fight for what's right and stand up for myself and my friends.

I think it taught me to be more confident in my abilities. The series is so cool and it really changed me for the better.

What about you guys? What effects has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you?

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