The journey begins

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Nobody's PoV
It's been a few days since Lucy woke up now even more people have been ignoring her when Wendy and the exceeds come near her Erza would always drag her away from her. One day a mysterious cloaked figure came to the guild and as usual Natsu being his usual dense self walked up to the figure and asked"Who the hell are you and what do you want with fairy tail!" The figure did nothing but scan the room until it's eyes landed upon a blonde celestial mage and walked up to her.
Unknown's PoV
I finally found her. I wonder if she got her memories of us back yet "Layla" said she was going to get her memories slowly within her dreams let's just hope she right. "Lucy Heartifillia I have come for you"but when I looked at her face she didn't seem a little bit surprised but what I'm actually surprised about is that nobody really cared but the ones that did were being held back and having their mouths shut by the others oh how this place had fallen. (Try to find out who's PoV is This before the next line) When I walked up to her her face brighten upped and had a smirk on her face and took my hood off and the guild shouted"JELLAL?!?!?!?!?!" "Really lulu I wanted to leave them wondering who I am"I said while pouting. "Well if you told me you were coming and what you wanted to do then you could've done that...but I guess that would've ruined the surprise wouldn't it."
Lucy's PoV
"Well what are we waiting for lets go" I said while kissing him in the cheek I then glance at Erza showing her heart broken and angry well that's what she gets "Come on let's go already""fine just let me pack my stuff and I'll be there soon and I still have to leave the guild anyways so I'll meet up with you at...... k?" "Ok see you there bye""Bye see you soon" and with that my journey began.

Ok yea the story is shorter than usual but I'm really tires and had to walk around school on heels cause if band pictures so this is what your gonna get fit today or probably this week if I don't update tmr bye -Cheshire

The beginning of everything (under severe editing at the moment)Where stories live. Discover now