Chapter One

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Cold. Everything was white and I was cold. It was happening again. I was dreaming. 

I hated dreaming. It always led me to this. White and cold. I could feel my body starting to shiver. Goosebumps appearing along my arms. The white always reminded me of what snow may look like even though I had never seen it. I blink but still everything remained white. I hated entering this vast and very white landscape - it had been happening for about 3 weeks now and gave me a feeling of deja vu - like I had been here before or experienced at some stage in my life. Even though I can't remember or recall anything like this. I breathed out and through the whiteness I can see my breath coming out in small puffs of steam. It was icily cold and I needed to escape somehow. 

"Hadlee" I head my name being called. It was only faint but I could still decipher it. He was calling for me. Again. This always happened. Some unknown stranger calling my name - but why? The cold seeped into my bones and I could feel my teeth starting to chatter. I didn't know him or recognize his voice. I had only heard it starting 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks of enduring being stuck in a world of white with only a stranger calling out my name. I reached a hand out in front of my but there was still nothing. I felt as though I was swimming in a world of white. 

"Hadlee" the man called again. I shut my eyes, opening them again trying to make out any sort of shape from the complete white that was surrounding me. Nothing. As I went to respond to this stranger it felt as though the ground opened up beneath me - swallowing me whole. I was falling again. My stomach dropped and I felt the wind flying through my hair, swirling all around me. Until I fell into the arms of someone and all I could see were the depths of his icy blue eyes.

Gasping for breath I sit upright. I raise my hand to my mouth and the other to my stomach trying to suppress a shriek that was lodged in the back of my throat. I hated dreams - especially this one. It had been happening for weeks now and I couldn't figure out why. I was normal. Dreams like this didn't happen to normal people. I would keep telling myself that I was normal for as long as it continued to make me feel better. Sighing I shifted my head back to my pillow and stare at the wall across the room where my books stood on the shelf. Blinking I suppressed the tears of frustration. I hated being too scared to sleep. I was too scared to sleep and to scared to even mention it to anybody. I didn't want to be sent to a doctor with the only option of suffice being from medication.

I turn my gaze to my alarm clock and see it read 5.55am. Almost time to get up anyway. Let's face it - there was no way that I was getting any more sleep tonight. Getting up I put my bare feet on the cold floor boards sending shivers up my spine. I really should invest in some slippers. Some nice fluffy ones. Grabbing my towel and clothes I wandered down the hallway to the bathroom. The place was only small and was all I could afford. Unfortunately waitressing didn't pay all that great - paired with student loans and lets just say life is a bitch. Kicking the door closed I turned on the faucet and hopped under the spray of tepid water. Another sigh escaped my lips and I rested my forehead against the cool tiles of the bathroom. I really needed a good night's sleep but let's face it. That wasn't going to happen if I continued to have these dreams. I could only imagine it was impending icy death. There goes my dream to see the snow. Snow reminded me of white. I hated white.

It only ever took me 10, 15 minutes tops to ever get ready. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. Trails of steam still lingering in the background. The purple surrounding my eyes - I looked tired. They made my hazel eyes pop with the green streaks that seemed to swirl. That was my favourite feature about myself. My eyes. They were never one colour - always changing. Blinking I look away from the mirror and finish getting ready for the day. Grabbing my set of keys and knotting a scarf securely around my neck for warmth I braved into the outside world. My apartment - although small - still had a driveway and in it sat my beat up Toyota. It wasn't my dream car - far from it - but it got me from point A to point B. 

Just as I reached a hand to open the door my phone buzzed from inside my coat pocket. Sighing in frustration I reached in and answered. 

"This is Hadlee".

"Hadee. It's piper. Are you busy?". Piper was the local detective and my best friend. She had recently been given a promotion. It wasn't strange that she called me from time to time. 

"Not really. Just going into town to run some errands. Why?" I asked as I reached out to open my car door again. Some how I knew she was going to ask me to meet her. She did this from time to time. 

"Can I get you to meet me somewhere?" Bingo. I knew it. "I have something I want you to take a look at". She finished before covering the mouth piece on her mobile and muffle yelled at someone in the background. "Sorry about that. People just don't listen." she said sounding tired and frustrated. She must have had a long night - or early morning.

"Sure I can do that. Where to?" I asked sticking the keys into the ignition and starting my car. I switched my phone to loud speaker and put my car into reverse. 

"Meet me at 22 Harrison Lane - Just behind the farmhouse at the edge of the woods" she said yelling out to someone again.

"Sure. Not a problem. I will see you in 20". With that I ended the call and put the car into drive. I suppose your probably wondering why I am meeting my best friend and detective out in the middle of know where at the edge of a forest.

Did I mention that I am psychic?

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