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Sarah pov

I woke and climbed out of my bead I walked to my bedroom window I smiled as I saw a grey wolf hiding behind a tree I laughed as the wold took off after we made eyes contact something abought the eyes seemed familiar turning around I walked over to my  bathroom and quickly got washed I then got dressed put some  light make up on.

I woke and climbed out of my bead I walked to my bedroom window I smiled as I saw a grey wolf hiding behind a tree I laughed as the wold took off after we made eyes contact something abought the eyes seemed familiar turning around I walked over to...

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I quickly went downstairs and saw leanna amber evaliin weighting on me at the doer.

"Hey we ready to go"  I laughed as  Leanna threw my bag at me.

"Yeah as long as you and lover boy don't mess around to much" lagged leanna.

"Shut up" i laghed and grabed my bag and we walked to my car and we all got to school i climbed out of the car and a few guys smirked at me i waved at them as I walked past.

I saw Paul he froze and smirked at me so that's how he wanted to play I smirked back and walked away to my first class it was music i smiyled as I sat down in my chare the girls sat beside me the teacher walked into the class room.

"Okay students we have a double period so I'm going to pair you guys and each of you need to preform a duet together" said Mrs.mont suddenly a girl put her hand up "No Lilay you do not get to chose your partner" said Mrs.Mont.

I wasn't really paying atention to her until I heard my name "Sarah Uley and Paul lahote you two are working together" said the teacher.

I froze and smirked at him as he looked at me and smiyled i sighed and walked into a recording room.

"Okay so let's decided a song" i said.

"It's up to you Princes" said Paul I shook my head.

"What ever you say hunny" i smirked we soon decide a song i went and sat down i was really board sure the other girls and guys were okay soon it was me and pauls turn.

I wipperd to the chello guys the song and they soon started playing.

me and Paul danced around the class room I smiled at my him no one said a thing after our performance i laghed to my self as I walked  passed the blond from the other day she glared up at me i shrugged my shoulders.

Paul smiled at me as i sat down beside him after musick was finnished i met up with the girls "that was some performace u two were so cut" smiyled Amber  i blushed laghed to my self lightly she was right paul was really nice from what i had seen so far.

"shes right u know u should make that hottie urs before someone eals dose" Leanna was right paul was Hot im suprised he dont have a girlfriend allready i looked over at pauls locker the and saw some girl leanig agint the wall he was laghing at whatever she said i rolled my eyes an unfamiluar  feeling setteld into the pit of my stomach jealousy no thers no way he wasnt my boyfriend.

 i quickly looked away before someone noticed i was looking i didn't want to seem jealous as  i opened my locker and a slip of paper fell out i picked it up the front of the note had my name on it opening the note red letter immediately jumped out at me.

missed me i know i missed u see u around 

                                                                                         xx ? 

what the hell "any of us know who could have sent this" Evillin took the paper  and read it again she shook her head i  don't recognise the hand writing maybe u have a secret admirer" i sighed crumpling the paper up and throwing it in the bin.

"yeah well the note  was just creepy" Amber laughed shaking her head as we entered the cafeteria i got my food before sitting down at a table in the back  i decided to read a book try and clear my mind but i couldn't stop thinking abought that note.

Hey guys I'm having some writers block at the moment also i have looked over some of the old chapters and realised how bad they actually were (cringe face lol) anyway I'm hopefully going to be updating more in the following days now ages ago i decided to do composition i would like to re open the competition i would appreciate and love to see the characters u guys create  now the compotiosion will be closed  on sat the 10 so pleas get ur ideas in asap thank you for taking the time to read this    xoxo bellamy18         p.s I haven't proof read the chapter yet.  

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