Dear Crush,
You probably don't know who I am well I mean you know of me... I think. Well if you don't, I'm the girl that sits behind you in Spanish. I'm very short if that helps which most likely doesn't. The point of this note is just to express my feelings. You see, ever since the beginning of my freshman year, I sort of have had a huge crush on you. Um this note is totally pointless actually. I mean I'll never give it to you but it's just to have I guess. Well I think you are really funny. Like really really. Like literally every time I go to Spanish I always end up cracking up. I don't think I would ever be able to tell you these things. Mostly because you seem like one of those guys who would judge a girl for telling him this stuff if he wasn't interested in her. That's the kind of things that make girls sad sometimes because they realize that the boy they like would never date them anyway. Unless that boy already liked the girl which I highly doubt is the case between you and me. Anyway not like you would want to know but let me just tell you some things about me. Well I'm short like I mentioned before. I like playing basketball, singing, just typical things that a typical teenage girl would do is basically what I'm trying to say. I should probably start paying attention in class. We are only watching a movie but who cares? But anyway you might get to read this someday if I ever find the courage to give this to you. Probably won't happen bit who knows? People change.
-your secret admirer (kinda)
P.S I think I'm in love