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I dO NOt oWN ThE wALLpaPeRS in tHe PreVIoUS 2 cHaPTers.

LiKE aT ALl.


sO BEforE y'aLl GO oUt ANd sNatCH ThE pIcTUres.


JebAL. 제발

ONEgaI オネアイ

PoR fAVor.

AsK tHe PeOplE I tAGGed FOr cOnSeNT.

-spookytae alienpervx strawberry_baek icyi_sky and me @http_hobi

AsK tHeSE PeoPlE fIRSt.

nOt AsKiNG fOr COnSENT iS A ViOlaTIon oF cOPyrIGht LaW.

AlSo nOt GivIng cRedIT iS COPyrIGht iNFrinGemENt.

So dON't Get sUEd AnD gEt CoNSeNT aND CrEdiT yOU ROachEs.

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