Tall ,Athletic ..short nigga hair ....light completion .... cast eyed
Silver looking hair ....big bright sky blue eyes looks younger than his age
Fat, can call her out of shape if u know what I mean ....Green eyes and long cream hair......
Slim.... in Shape ,brown eyes short, pretty Collie hair
Brown -blackish eyes,long natural hair ,slim, pretty ...not tall not short call her perfect if you want
Author noteAll of those characters is perfect in there own ways so are you the person reading this write now......
1..You are perfect.....meaning there is nobody like you...You are unique
2.....you..person..reading this you where made on this land for a reason understand!....
God made this world and he made you ...for a reason..if he did not need you what other reason would you be on this land for to work hard or eat all day are to through struggles??.....no, remember its for a good reason!3...moya is come from along way she did not give up that easy there secret why but you have to find out by continue reading ;) .....
.....Don't give up! ...
Person reading
RandomFrom one life to a next from struggles to happy to There r secrets and it going to happen it time again to live in to a new life P.s.... pics above it when she gets oldero