PART 4 -Reclaiming of The Manor-

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Your's p.o.v

As a wizard,how had claim their own live are quite everywhere whether in inn,hotel and even abandoned house,at least there have place for recovered.(m/n) get a abandoned manor deep far away from the city but he able to reconstruct by himself that make it beautiful once more and full furnished.If want know how did able to do that,he use power of the wizard same as how demon like Sebastian rebuilt Ciel Phantomhive's Manor.

(m/n) then need his servant to serve him and rename their own household by use a fake (fake surname) name as to make him human as disguise.After renaming his household,he summons his servant by his voice using his power which make outside surrounding (fake surname) manor shaken on fear.Then appeared of six servant of (m/n) ready to serve him in front of him and bow to him and (m/n) gave them own duty.Their name were given by their master itself;Sasha as a maid,John as a gardener,Patrick as chef,Thomas as maid II,Oman as carriage and horse-tamer ,Levi as butler of (m/n) or most trusted servant of (m/n).

"For now on,you all will become as my servant and must follow my orders and never ever betray me.If one of you had betray me,I don't hesitate to kill you" (m/n) begin his rules to his servant. "and each of you give own duty to take care of this manor and myself.Swear to me for follow me!" He raised his tone. "We all swore to follow you,My master (m/n) until the end" all of his servant yelled. "Okay.. I am going to make an announcement for today and hope you all consider this" he state. "On the morning I going to meet Lord Phantomhive for some reason,I want you to stay here and don't be too wonder much outside but I am not alone to go there" he explained with little smirk to his servant.Then his servant scramble to his master for know who will follow but he pointed to Levi with his bright smile.His another servant were in frustration and (m/n) sighed. "Don't worry,I'll take you in another place than that manor" as he tried to calm them and they are cheer in happy. "Go back to work guy and you Patrick,please make me (favorite food) and (favorite drink)." he call him as the other do their work. "Yes,My Master and this is first time ever I do cooking and hope you like it." he answer and bow to him before leave.It 3 am and he going to visit to Ciel's Manor are about 9 am,that make him take a nap on sofa and while Patrick prepare his master a meal.

He was then checking his servant for make sure they do their work as he give them recently for see how loyal they are.(m/n) is kind even his face look serious and intimidate,his heart so pure and funny person.Even his servant do duty,he give them a hand to make it easier.That they all so grateful for have a such a kind master like him but they not yet know about his history.

They all just summon to become servant but no demon being as how hate of (m/n) to demon.Most of his servant were soul from human that are restless.(sorry i have no idea about that.. xD) As a wizard,he has a power above restless human soul because has authority on them from gift of god.To his servant,they all bound to him as they'll swore to follow him.

After (m/n) help their servant's work on the manor,he go to the kitchen quietly and sit on chair unnoticed for watch Patrick cook. "Wow Patrick! You do job very well! I appreciate it!" (m/n) admire him.Patrick look him shock as he turning back that see his master watch him. "My master,you should wait on your study room." he speak bit nervously.Patrick breathe slowly as he want to rid out his nervousness to his master. "It does not need me to wait there and it better to sit here,watched you and you don't need to nervous" (m/n) explain.After Patrick make his master (favorite food) and (favorite drink),he serve and let (m/n) taste their first dishes. "Emm! It very delicious and i really love it" (m/n) compliment as he take a first bite and a first gulp.Patrick bit blush as he get compliment from his master. "It's glad to hear and I kept that on my mind" Patrick said.After (m/n) eaten,he decide to see John tend a garden on greenhouse.Before he enter to greenhouse garden,(m/n) see a flower wither and he revive with using his spell but he didn't know John just stand and stare to him see how powerful their master. "My lord,apologize for asking this but where you did learn that?" John try to ask (m/n) with curious face. "Ohh! I learned this method when I once a healer and I helped and treat humans,animals and plants.Now it just become myth to all human's knowledge." (m/n) end his story with sad face. "Don't worry My Lord,I'll be a first start to believe" he calm his master with hug. "Thank you,John" he said with wiping his tear from his cheek. "You'll know John,I just become forgotten and mostly they admitted me as a enemy to them,that why I hide myself for about 500 year and yet more to tell about me to you. I'll take leave here" (m/n) stated with pretend show his happy face.(m/n) then leave and go to his room for comfort himself.

Another servant include his butler hide on tall bush to hear entirely about his master's story.Then they meet John as discuss the condition of his master and John told them that he saw his master heal a wither flower as he show them a flower bloom.They want to see his master but Levi advice them for not do that for leave (m/n) to comfort his mind.So they continue do their work after heard about Levi's advice.Levi are (m/n)'s butler and he should come see his master soon as possible,he also wish to see for make his master were okay.It bring pain on his heart as he saw (m/n) tear about himself. "It better for me meet my master (m/n) as accompany him from being lonely" Levi think.How poor their master even he are powerful being but it doesn't make him arrogant,he had a very soft heart and that's a reason why Levi and another servants were summon here.

*On (m/n)'s master bedroom* *Mini-parts -Remembering the past-*

He lay on his bed as wondered about himself and that pains were haunted to (m/n) even it came from 500 year ago,still it haunt him.Tear were come to his cheek when his butler knock a door "Can I come in?".(m/n) replied his question "You may enter,Levi".Levi entered and stand in front of the door as he see (m/n) wipe his tear and make a smile face to Levi and said "Oh Levi,How's your work as a butler and wanna play a chess?" Levi sighed as his master try to change his attitude toward his servant. "My Master,You doesn't need to hide your pain forever and it has a effort for tell it to other you've trusted" he start to make conservation. "But it are not from your problem to know anything from me and you will never know" (m/n) state. "and you all just summon here for serving me" he continue. "It is mean nothing for me here and rather summon me here only for your authority? Why you so weak at this even you're powerful being? What of me to you?" Levi bit angry but (m/n) just calm.

"The reason you all here as my servant because you all are chosen one.Your spirit was cursed,Levi.Banished from the heaven and you still chain on this earth which make your soul restless,it same as other my servant's fate.When my job is finish,I return to heaven at last after I serving as a guardian of earth nearly 9865 year and at once you all,my dear servant,were at peace finally.I saved your spirit from being spoiled and used as ritual by the dark sorcerer and you must be grateful." (m/n) stopped his story for few second.Levi shocked as he heard how age of (m/n) is.

"Now I have a story about Phantomhive,I once a butler of Vincent Phantomhive after his father had passed away.He also a Queen's guard dog and run a Funtom Company that they make a toys and some sweet candies,their wealth are rich because of the economy.I became as a butler of Phantomhive,when I was known as poor man as I take a disguise.My clothes were tear apart that make other surrounding looked at me disgust while I saw how selfish they are and I sighed on disappointed as I really wish to destroy this place.But when fate are meet between me and Vincent's father,I sense his heart are kindhearted and he allow me to come to his manor and make me as his butler.I swore to protected his family from danger and work there until The Queen wanted to kill Vincent and her butler,Ash Lander are once my enemy.I ran off from Phantomhive's Manor as I've been hunted by Queen's butler for put end of me." (m/n) end his story and said "That will be end our conservation and next time,I tell you more about my past. I going to take rest and can you company me until I sleep?" he said. "Yes My Master,I shall company you until you asleep" he answer. "Good and don't forget to wake me" (m/n) tell him and sleep.

As (m/n) fall asleep,Levi see his master sleep peacefully and leave him.He sighed on sadness and sorrow after he heard a story from his master and go back to his work.

-End of Part 4-

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*For the next part,I decide to make a story when (m/n) visited to Ciel Phantomhive's Manor and you'll see what happens if (m/n) there.The idea are already on my mind and i need you give me a opinion! Thank you for stick with me! <3 <3 :) ;)

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