Trapped (Justin Bieber kidnapped fanfic)

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The light peered from underneath the door yet she remained in darkness. Broken. Scared. Trapped and helpless. The room was dark and the only thing inside was a broken matress and by the stench it had obviously been fished out of a dumpster. And as per usual she was sitting in the corner crying and sat with her knees tucked up by her chest and her small frail arms were wrapped around them.

There was shouting and crashing coming from upstairs. Something that she was use to, but there was a new noise. A muffled shouting and stomping of feet. The door in which was her only source of freedom was opened and someone was thrown in then the door was locked once again. She slowley rose and walked over just about finding the person and she knelt down beside to them.

"Hello?" her voice croaked yet to the mysterious person it sounded reasuring.

"Mhep!" the voice cried through the duct tape on their mouth. Which she translated to help so that's exactly what she did.

Her fingers traced their face and found the duct tape then slowley removed it trying her best not to hurt them. The person gasped for air.

"Thank you" the voice said in what she can now identify as a boy.

"it's okay" she whispered.

"I'm Justin and you are" he tells her

"Im err i can't remember?" she tells him

"what you can't remember your own name?!" he askes shocked as he sat up.

"No i've been drugged so many times and trapped here for so many years, you just forget" she sighs

"Well i'm gonna call you...Skylar yeah Skylar, i like that" Justin tells her.

"I like that too" Skylar giggles something she hasn't done in a while and even though it is not seen Justin smiles.

"Why aren't you freaking out?!" Skylar asks

"No point i tried resisting they only beat me up, there's no point freaking out i don't want another beating."

"You go numb after awhile so they stop beating you" Skylar sighs

"So how old are you? if you can remember?" Justin asks changing the subject as he didn't want to think about the beatings he is going to recieve in the near future.

"uh lets see i've been here since i was 4 and that was aroundd-er- 11 years ago so im err sorry i was never really tought maths other than counting 1-20" Skylar apologises

"Your 15 Skylar..." Justin gasps

"I-Im 19" he tells her

"That's a big number" Skylar says as if she were still a 4 year old.

"Yeah i spose" Justin laughs

A slight breeze washed into the room from an old air vent which made Skylar shiver.

"It's pretty cold in here or is it just me?" Skylar asks

"No must be you, come here i'll warm you up" Justin explains as he holds out his arms and Skylar scooches forwards and Justin engulfs her in a hug.

"Your so small" he gasps

"as in weight wise, when were you last fed?!" he asks

"Uhhh its been *counts on fingers* 6 days? i think" She tells him

"Oh my god"

Justin cuddles her closer to his chest. Just by holding her Justin could tell that she was a decent height maybe an inch or two shorter than him but just the right height. The only thing on Justins mind though was that he needed to escape but when he does he's bringing Skylar with him. But the only question that was a flaw in his plan was How?

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