Meeting Momentarily.

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Emma's long, brown hair blew in the wind, tangling itself behind her. She squinted when the sun glared in her eyes as she rounded the corner to Café New York. Emma reached into her bag and grabbed out her black aviator sun glasses, placing them over her light, hazel eyes.

She ordered the usual. Three takeaway coffees and three bagels. Once retrieved, she headed to her friend’s house, Clair, ready for home schooling.

Emma's parents had passed away when Emma turned 14. They had died of an unexplained cause. Leaving Emma behind to burden a dark secret about her and her family. Emma moved to New York after the accident and now lived on her own, in a small apartment. Little did Emma know, those parents were far from her reality.

Emma's burden, her secret, was different. Unnatural. Emma was able to run at the speed of light, change people’s thoughts and control the elements, not to mention the power of changing into a werewolf at her choice. Although she had not yet discovered that power. Emma being smart knew to hide her real self and make it look like she was an everyday human. In her mother's diaries, Emma had read that her mother believed she was a witch, but Emma felt as if she was more.

Once Emma's parents had passed away, she dropped out of school and a few months later, took up home schooling with Clair's mum, Serena.

"Hello?” Emma called, when she exited the elevator and headed into Clair's loft.

"Emma!" Clair ran up to Emma, taking a coffee and the bag of bagels from her hands.

Clair was in a rush, and in one swift move, she had her bagel, coffee, bag and was heading out the door. "Sorry I can't stay! I'm late for school!" Clair yelled, as the doors of the elevator closed in front of her.

Emma laughed, turning back around to face the now empty foyer. An elegant figure descended the stair case in the corner of Emma's eye.

"Emma, you're here!" Serena smiled at Emma, taking a seat at a small table covered in books.

Emma replied with a smile, "Shall we start?"

Serena nodded, both setting to work.


It had been over five hours of studying and Emma's class was almost over.

"Hey you wouldn't happen to be doing anything tomorrow?" Serena asked, looking up from one of Emma's study books.

"Umm, not as far as I know. What can I do for you?" Emma replied. A beautiful smile written across her face.

"It's just I have another job interview and Jordan doesn't have kindergarten. I need a babysitter."

Emma loved Jordan. Though he was only three, he was an obedient and cute child. "Of course I can! How are the interviews going by the way?"

"Thank you so much Emma, don't know what I would do without you!" Serena sighed in relief. "Yeah they are going well! I still can't believe your leaving in a week!"

Emma had decided it had been too long since she had been in her home town and was moving back in with her relatives, The Forbes. Liz had been her mothers sister in law by another marrige and Caroline had been like a sister to her, even though they only used to see eachother on holidays. "I know, I still can't believe it myself!" 

"Clair is going to miss you so much!" Serena pointed out. "Well, class is over. Do you need a lift home?"

"No that's okay! I have some errands to run." Emma smiled collecting her books. "I'll see you tomorrow."


 After Emma left the loft, she started for home. She was tired from school work and was dreading the next couple of days to come.

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